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10.08.2007, 14:43
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[Question] About UMDVideo support
Will the next m33 version can play umdvideo?
please anwer my question in english!
 for reading!
——By a chinese
11.08.2007, 13:31
Сообщение: #2 (491455)
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(на пути к лучшему)
Everybody waiting for this function. But there are problems with it's developing. UMD protection can be based on hardware, so it will be very difficult crack it =(
So we can only wait.
11.08.2007, 22:35
Сообщение: #3 (491708)
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(как роза среди колючек)
There are no problems with original UMD Video Disc.
But video-UMDs are region-locked. - Region 0: Worldwide
- Region 1: United States, and Canada
- Region 2: European Union, Japan, Middle East, Egypt, South Africa, and Greenland
- Region 3: Taiwan, South Korea, the Philippines, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore
- Region 4: Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands, Mexico, and South America
- Region 5: Russia, Eastern Europe, Pakistan, India, majority of Africa, North Korea, and Mongolia
- Region 6: Mainland China
All thanks to Sony.
Maybe umd emulator v8.0c can help?
start umd emulator v8.0c
set disktype umd to video
set regioncode override to on
set right regioncode video
Последний раз редактировалось Zack; 12.08.2007 в 01:30.
12.08.2007, 15:16
Сообщение: #4 (491953)
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Dear cmaptfon:
although I unhappy to listen it, but we can only wait,wait,wait
Thank you for answer.
19.08.2007, 02:09
Сообщение: #5 (495678)
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not true
thats not true, even if the psp is also hardware coded for the video umd/region, a well programmed program can bypass the region check when u load the umd movie iso...remember umdemu v0.8c?? there was an option in the settings to change the regioncode override to "on" then change the 3 region settings below it (for games, music and video) to regionfree or to any region u want tool...and it worked fine, i was able to play R2 (European) UMD movie isos on my R1 US PSP without problem/region error. Also D_A impleted the Free region option in the recovery, wich didnt worked at 100%, i know..but if the M33 team can fix it or implement this regioncode override option from umdemu into their custom fw, then we can load any region umds/isos on any region psps..trust me
And i hope they will crack it..and now we can finally load umd movie isos with higher firmware, the umdemu method was only good for 1.5/1.51/1.52 movies but not the rest..so keep up the good work, and please add this umd movie iso loader option in the next update!!!!
Сообщение от cmaptfon
Everybody waiting for this function. But there are problems with it's developing. UMD protection can be based on hardware, so it will be very difficult crack it =(
So we can only wait.
05.11.2011, 22:22
Сообщение: #6 (987811)
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thanks ZACK for this information ! 
05.11.2011, 22:41
Сообщение: #7 (987832)
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(репутация неоспорима)
Мда, а боты всё умнее и умнее, скоро и Хелперов не нужно будет :p
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