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http://www.ps2nfo.com/ появилось сообщение о dev hook 1.39
A new non-BETA v1.39 is available. The launcher is not much difference with BETA version, just small bug-fix and added "EBOOT" key word to let you specify the path for RumUMD and MPH GameLoader. This may be the last version for text based launcher, I will focus on more graphical version of launcher.
- Added macro system to launcher
- Edit a text file "macro.txt", put it inside "ms0:/dh" with all macros for launcher
- Macro syntax is very simple, below are some sample macros
[333]clock=333 fw=260
[mph]boot=3 mount=0 fw=0
[runumd]boot=4 mount=0 fw=0
[250]fw=250 umdver=1 mount=1
- Supported key words are "clock", "clk", "firmware", "fw", "boot", "mount", "umdver", "pladdr" and "eboot"
- Edit your iso/cso file name to begin with a macro key, for the above example [333], [mph], [runumd] and [250]
- Launcher will start your iso/cso after applying settings defined by the macro
- Added more information to iso/cso file list with location(ms/usb) and file size
- More precise firmware version display.
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