Popsloader для 5.XX и 6.XX прошивок - плагин игр PSX (PlayStation One)
Для запуска игр PSX - PlayStation 1 или PSone, как их ещё по другому называют, необходимо установить плагин Popsloader.
Этот плагин необходим для эмуляции игр PSX на консоли SONY PSP, сконверченных с образов оригинальных CD-дисков от приставки SONY PS1. И хотя сейчас, на последних прошивках 6.хх PRO-C2/PROMOD-C2p/(L)ME-2.3 многие образы PSX свободно идут на встроенном в прошивку эмуляторе, однако есть некоторые игры, которые можно запустить только с помощью дополнительного плагина POPSLOADER.
Popsloader для 5.XX прошивок (устарело)
Про Popsloader для 5.ХХ многие давно конечно знают: Popsloader_5.xx - полная версия для прошивок 5.00 - 5.50 CFW.
Рассказывать про него не имеет смысла, как и сами эти прошивки, поэтому сразу перейдём к 6-ым...
Popsloader v4i - последняя неофициальная модификация от popsdeco, совместим с 6.60/6.61 PRO/PROMOD/(L)ME/PS Vita.
cdda_enabler.rar - если не работает звук в PSX, это плагин, позволяющий проигрывать звук формата CDDA в старых играх.
Скопируйте папку SEPLUGINS в корень карты памяти (соглашаясь на замену, если аналогичная папка уже существует)
Создайте в папке SEPLUGINS текстовой файл POPS.TXT и скопируйте в него одну из подходящих вам строчек:
Если плагин лежит на Карте памяти Memory Stick:
ms0:/seplugins/popsloader/popsloader.prx 1
Если плагин лежит во внутренней памяти PSPgo:
ef0:/seplugins/popsloader/popsloader.prx 1
Запустите любую программу или игру, а затем выйдите из неё или просто перезагрузите PSP (например из VSH Menu через "Reset VSH")
Всё! Плагин должен быть активирован.
Так же, включить или отключить Popsloader вы можете вызвав VSH Menu кнопкой , зайти в "Recovery Menu" и там в "Plugins".
Папку! с игрой PSX (содержащую файл EBOOT.PBP) скопируйте в папку ms0:/PSP/GAME/
Запускайте игру из меню Игра => Memory Stick™, удерживая кнопку
Через несколько секунд появится список прошивок, как на скриншоте в заголовке шапки.
(самый нижний пункт "Original from Flash" будет загружать игру официальным лоадером SONY, встроенным в прошивку)
Пробуйте разные версии до тех пор, пока не найдете ту, на которой игра не начнет работать стабильно.
Имейте в виду, что в файле pops.cfg, который создаётся при первом запуске в папке ms0:/seplugins/popsloader/..., сохраняется последняя выбранная версия ПОПСА. Поэтому, если вы будете в следующий раз запускать другую игру, то она автоматически будет загружаться под версией, сохранённой в файле pops.cfg при последнем выборе.
Поддержка многодискового формата появилась только в версии 3.71 и выше. Поэтому, если вы собираетесь играть в игру, состоящую из нескольких дисков, не имеющую сохранения перед сменой диска, то необходимо выбирать эмулятор прошивки 3.71 и выше. Здесь, по кнопке вы можете вызвать специально добавленную опцию, позволяющую переключить диск, не выходя из игры. Так же, нужно иметь в виду, что в мультидисковой игре, ID игры и ID сейвов должны быть одинаковыми на разных дисках одной игры.
Учитывайте это, если вы сами собираетесь конвертировать игры.
Если в игре предусмотрено сохранение перед сменой дисков, то такую игру можно запускать и на однодисковом эмуляторе прошивок ниже 3.71. Здесь вам позволяют сохранится, затем вы эмулируете следующий диск, загружаете сохранение и продолжаете играть.
К сожалению, в Европе и США коды игр не являются взаимозаменяемыми. Например, используя SLUS код от игры "Metal Gear Solid" в UK/PAL работать не будет. Однако, исправив ID игры (для исправления зависания в игре) будет работать в том случае, если оригинальный ID игры и исправленный имеют одинаковый ID в формате S*US или S*ES. Так что, если оригинальный ID вашей игры SLUS...., а потом исправить его на SCUS, то это будет нормально работать.
О таблице
Название PSX игры: Название игры PlayStation 1.
PSX ID: Идентификационный номер, используемый Sony. Как правило, это название игры с кодом региона на Playstation CD, а также уникальный номер для каждого диска. Например, SLUS-00972 говорит о том, что он предназначен для США.
Тип TV: Это тип телевизора для которого эта игра была выпущена. Например, в Европе имеется тенденция использовать как стандарт систему PAL, а в США и Японии используется NTSC.
Мануал: Имеется ли инструкция по запуску такой игры на сайте PSXPSPManuals.com? Если да, значит имеется ссылка на инструкцию по запуску данной игры. Если нет, значит вам придётся искать способ самим. Пожалуйста, посетите PSXPSPManuals.com чтобы поделиться своим успешным методом или отправить его Azumandias, чтобы опубликовать его на сайте, а вам будет вписано авторство метода и много благодарностей пользователей.
Примечание: Любая конкретная информация, которая может помочь. Пожалуйста, укажите, на какой версии POPS вы тестировали игру.
Works perfectly fine. Tested on 3.90 M33 -Cheska3.80: Crashed after character is chosen at a blank screen if left too long. Solution: After chosen character, the screen will go black, immediately press the X button and the game will run normally. By 2PS
If you use the default GameID it will freeze after the "Chapter 1" screen. So use one of the GameID's below.When you do use one of these gameIDs you'll sometimes notice a little slowdown or some stuttering in voices, but at least the game works.3.52 and below: Use GameID SLPS-01156, SLPS-01724, or SLPS-01222.3.71 and 3.72: GameID SLPS-01156 and SLPS-01724 will work.3.90: Only GameID SLPS-01156 will work. Also the slowdown and stuttering in voices is slightly better. EBOOT needs to be made with CDDA Popstation 1.24 (don't forget, you'll need keys.bin). Many GUIs make bad eboots...4.01: If you use GameID SLPS-01490 then gameplay and voices are MUCH better. However if you try to watch the opening cinematic after starting a new game it will freeze at a black screen after it zooms in on the castle. So press Start as soon as you can to skip it.
3.00 - 3.41: Works, but earlier versions have poorer sound quality. Noticable frame skipping slowdown (video only) in the more detailed 3D environments, like towns. Battles run perfectly, although later spells may change this (unable to test this myself).3.42 3.51: Same as above, but the sound is perfect.3.52 - 3.72: Unplayable! After the Capcom logo you will get a blank white screen. The opening FMV can be heard playing, but the white screen remains and the game doesn't respond to button input. After the FMV you'll be stuck on the main menu until you quit.4.01: Works again, but no noticable improvements over 3.42 3.51. NOTE: Upon first trying this pops the game started fine, but I had a black screen when I loaded my save file to the world map. I restarted and tried a new game instead, which worked fine. Ever since then my save file has worked. The black screen may have been a one-off glitch.
Tested by Milkymoocowmoo using NTSC-U version, 4.01 M33-2
Black screen with audio after death (in 2nd stage after extended play time)***UPDATE***3.40 OE-A: The game freezes right after you choose a game mode on the main menu.3.52 M33-4: Same result as the previous version.
3.71 M33-4: Fixes the bug on the main game menu. Beyond that, the game runs perfectly.
This game does not let you save before changing discs, so you are going to have to either use a patch made by Psychospacefish, popstation_md (only works on 3.71-4 m33 or higher)3.40: Use GameID SLPS-01222. It will appear a little laggy, but it's less likely to freeze. Update: Use GameID SCUS-94640, it's much better.3.51: Use GameID SCUS-94640.3.52: The game will freeze when accessing the character status.3.71: Update by GamerbyDesign: Tested on 3.71 M33 with SLUS-01041 SLPS-01222 it does not freeze when accessing character status, however it does freeze in the first boss battle against Mama Komodo. If you use GameID SCUS-94640 it wont freeze after Mama Komodo, but going to character status it will freeze.3.72: Use popsloader to run 3.72 pops. With GameID SCUS-94640 it wont freeze on character status or the first boss Mama Komodo! It REALLY matters what converter you use to make the eboot. popsloader to run 3.72 pops.3.90: tested on my 3.90 psp and worked perfectly. i am using original the actual game id and i have both discs in one eboot. By LordJovanius4.01: Status screen freezing both with original and 94640. Loading 3.72 instead fixes it.
Bad sound, key items menu not working. (Appears to be fixed in 3.03 OE-A) - Works fine with 4.01
Circuit Breakers
3.90 by 2PS.
City Of Lost Children
3.90 by 2PS.
Clock Tower
3.90 by 2PS
Clock Tower: The First Fear
Tested On PopsLoader 3.71 By NightmareTX. Have Some Not-So-Frequent Sound Issues. Tiny Slow-Downs Due To High 2-D Graphics. Playable At 99.5% Anyway You Get The Idea.
Clock Tower II: The Struggle Within
3.80 by 2PS
Colin McRae Rally
use 3.40/3.51 pops; you can change aspect ratio to 16:9 in menu (and in pops to FullScreen)
Loads up to the main menu but freezes when loading a mission. Tested on 3.52 M33-4 3.71 M33 by GamerbyDesign. Update: Game currently works fine with current SLUS. *No* freezing.
Does not get passed PSX boot screen. Test on 3.71 M33 by GamerbyDesign.Will not work with 3.71-M33-4. Runs fine with pops 3.72; completed through first mission.
Destruction Derby
Destruction Derby 2
Destruction Derby 3 (A.K.A. RAW)
Major lag issues. Sound skips. Tested on 3.71 M33 by GamerbyDesign.
Sometimes freezes on 3.52. Use 3.40 for perfect gameplay.Freezes after Blizzard logo during intro if disc-load speed is set to fast. Runs fine on 3.72 with disc speed on normal.
Voices do not work under 3.52 M33.Update by GamerbyDesign: Everything works perfectly, including the voices. Tested on 3.71 M33.Update 2 by GamerbyDesign: On the PSP Slim when you switch to the shotgun and try to shoot the game freezes and the PSP shuts down. Tested on 3.71 M33-2
Tested and works on 3.40 POPS, 0 compression tested by BootsMegamix
Works on 3.40 POPS tested by BootsMegamix
Donald Duck - Goin' Quackers, Disney's
Works on POPSLOADER for 3.80M33 v2 + set game ID=SLPS02180. When popsloader loading menu appears, select 3.00, 3.01, 3.02, 3.03 or 3.10 pops ONLY, game does NOT work on pops versions above (hangs up after 2 intro movies)!!! Tested by MAN-biker on PSP Slim FW v3.80 M33-5
Freezes at first loading screen on ANY firmware (3.00-3.73).update* 3.80 pops works! same as PAL, intro is fuzzy; no speed issue. ~Beaniehat~
Intro is messed up, but works! Gameplay is a little fast, such as faster reloading.*graphics are unviewable 3.00-3.03**3.80 fixes speed issue, intro still broken. ~Beaniehat~
A minor sound glitch occurs, an example of this is a song stalling while the game continues playing. This occurs on most versions emulated by 3.80 M33 Popsloader. No gameplay issues have been seen while using 3.80 M33 to emulate 3.40, but the sound glitch still occurs at one point, but it does not affect gameplay.
If you use a high version of pops you will get a corrupted save. To solve this, delete your non working save, then use popsloader to run the game on 3.03. Once you get to the title screen you'll have a perfectly working save. You can now reset and use popsloader and use a higher version to play the game.
Make sure your Disc-Load Speed is set to "Normal". If you have it on Fast the game may glitch after a battle.3.03: Certain enemy moves can cause the the whole screen to turn green or red while still hearing battle sounds and music, the game time will literally slow down to where one attack can take ten minutes to complete. If you do manage to make it to the field screen, save then reset to restore the glitched graphics. Known moves to cause this so far: Hell Bubbles, Sleepel, Ultrasound, and Limit Break: Seal Evil (basically any attack that can cause sleep or silence).3.11: No battle swirl, but sleep and silence attacks don't cause game to glitch.3.40: Battle swirl works fine, but sleep and silence attaks DO cause the game to glitch.3.52: Battle swirl works fine, also sleep and silence attacks no longer cause glitches.3.71: The Music tempo is slightly too quick but other than that it works great didn't crash or glitch at all. -anthall19913.80: Unplayable. The battle swirl causes the game to glitch. Use the new popsloader to run the game under a version that works.3.90: Same problem 3.80 has. Use the popsloader designed for 3.80 m33 and boot up in 3.71 pops.3.90M33-3: Use the popsloader designed for 3.80 m33 to boot up in 3.71 pops. -anthall19914.01: Some attacks sound odd but other than that it runs flawlessly. -anthall1991The first Rocket cinema upon meeting Cid and/or the Gold Saucer date scene may freeze the game. Other FMVs might freeze as well. I'm getting the freezes consistently, anthall1991 is not, and we are both running 4.01 M33-2. If you get this freeze, switch down to 3.71 to get past the cinema. -Tzepish4.01 M33-2: The first Rocket cinema upon meeting Cid DOES NOT freezes the game. Some attacks sound odd but other than that it runs flawlessly. -anthall1991
Final Fantasy VII/7
In 3.03OE-C, the screen is moved to the bottom. Playing in "original" size works, but stretching it in any way crops the screen at the bottom.
Set camera movement to 0% in the game's configuration.Try using an alternate GameID (SCUS-94640, SLPS-02180, SLPS-01222, or SLPS-01156). There's also this tool to switch between two popular IDs.Things that may cause the game to freeze (especially on the default GameID):Zell's Duel Burning RaveSome of Quistis' limits.Scanning and casting magic in battle.Drawing for an extended period of time.Many special attacks monsters and bosses can do.Fighting Elvoret in the Comm Tower.Fighting Granaldo in Training Area (3.71 M33-4)Wendigos in the Dollet forest can cause the game to randomly freeze.When fighting Griever if he draws from you, the game may freeze.For specific information on making this game more compatible, go to the Final Fantasy VIII page.4.01: Default GameID on default settings works great. It drops a frame or two when entering a battle, but that's about it.4.01: Still problems with Scan magic freezing before or just after scan on 90%. Upd: Works fine when popsloader is disabled.
PAL versions of FFVIII are copy-protected; in order to play them, it's necessary to fix the images with a PPF patch (use PPF-O-Matic 3.0 to apply the patch) before converting them into eboots. Game works with more or less the same flaws afflicting the NTSC version, fixable with the GameID workaround. (3.71 M33'3 by PerfectCircle)Edit: to patch the PAL version of FFVIII (and FFVII for that matter) search for an app called PatchIt (DCEmu has some of the files necessary) and Zapper / Zapper2000 (not sure on this one though it may just fix the screen position between PAL and NTSC). - Keikura
3.71:Minor frame dropping during scenes with many characters, nothing to affect playability.Minor sound glitches during some model-based battle scenes on 3.71 M33-3 by MonkeyJamboree.3.90:Opening FMV played for me, however there was no sound. I copied the game with Alcohol 52%, then made the eboot with PSX2PSP v1.3.3.90 m33-3 Slim: The second FMV that plays after Pinnacle Rock (With Zidane and Dagger running through the field towards Lindblum) is like the opening FMV, as it has no sound. - G_SConfirmation: 3.90 M33-3 Plays the intro FMV with no sound irrespective of programs used to copy/convert to eboot. Additionally the FMV at the start of the festival can bug out and make a loud buzzing sound. Other than that works perfect. -Vanit4.01 M33-2: Opening FMV played from the first disk (and probably single disk eboots) has no sound, however you can get the sound to play by switching to one of the later disks and selecting New Game. It'll ask you to put in the first disc. After switching disks it'll start the FMV with all of the sound. This probably won't help any for the later FMV, though. -Ganoran
PAL versions of FFIX are copy-protected; in order to play them, it's necessary to fix the images with the appropriate regional patches prior to conevrting them into eboots. Game is perfectly emulated under POPS 3.80; lower versions originate sound issues, due to the emulator skipping regional checks and forcing the game to run at 60 HZ while it was retooled to run at 50.(3.80 M33'5 by PerfectCircle)
From Mallard: Due to a bug, the game crashes (freezes) through the battles, when theHP of the Wanzer legs is 0 (player or enemy). It happens with a chanceof 98% during the battle-animations ...So it would be wise to make a battle save with every turn and to avoiddirect attacks to an opponent with Leg HP = 0. Missle attacks andattacks with Flamethrowers will work much better.Aside of that, there are no other problems (i played the game 25 hours
up to now).
Front Mission 3
Behaves the same as above. Although if the enemy wanzer's legs HP is 0 and you destroy the wanzer all parts or the body (not sure on that yet) it won't freeze, yet if you only do damage and no kill then it will freeze - Keikura
Front Mission Alternative
Future Cop L.A.P.D.
Tested on 3.71 M33-3 by MonkeyJamboree Tested on 3.51 M33 by Finstern PS. Works great over AD-HOC through IRShell
Unknown - was there actually a PAL release made?No Errors on 3.71 M33-3. Tested by MonkeyJamboree (and yes, a PAL release WAS made. SLES-00032, for reference)
Works flawlessly just like the Pal version. Again, no save between disc 1 and 2, however, a multi-disk version works perfect so you can change disks. Tested on 3.90 M33 -Cheska
Heart of Darkness
Works flawlessly. No save between disc 1 and 2, still have to try a multidisc POPS with it. (3.71 M33'3 by PerfectCircle)
Every POPS Version: Does not work and will not work on any version. Loads EA Logo, and then Intro, black screen no load or sound. This is the one PSX game that cannot be emulated on any platform. Tested by SephirothX
Technically it does run however your better off looking at a slide show. Its faster then the FPS you get on this game. Tested on 3.71 M33-4 by GamerbyDesign
Irem Arcade Classics
3.80: Press START to load Kung-Fu Master, if you press X, the game will crash! By 2PS
Game hangs after the initial Midway credit screen. Confirmed by j1ggy using 4.01 M33.
Jackie Chan's Stunt Master
Game hangs right after the Midway credit screen.
Jade Cocoon: Story of the Tamamayu
Game starts and runs, but a fatal crash in the second forest stops all progress in the game. UPDATE Try 3.52 pops to get past forest. If it doesnt let u save like the old bug,then try 3.80 pops
also Try the new 4.01 pops maybe that will work to get past 2nd forest.
1st area boss does not appear, crashes when boss fight begins; occurs with POPS 3.02 and 3.03 firmware. In 3.80 M33, the game loads and plays well-- up until somewhere in Vision 2, then it seems to freeze at random points. 3.90 m33-3: Game runs great. When you finish Vision 2-1 and try to load the next level the game hangs. Just save at the end of vision 2-1 and when it freezes, quit game then restart it and load your save. Should load Vision 2-2 fine. Did for me. I've almost completed the game so I'll update when I do.
4.01: Freezes a few seconds after talking to couple at beginning of game. Multi-disc image, ripped from original discs using CloneCD and converted using PSX2PSP 1.3, maximum compression. Have not tried single-disc images. -- SargeSmash
Krazy Ivan
Kula World
Kula World
3.80: Graphical issues during the demo - by 2PS.Tested on Firmware 3.40 OE-A by dvdchas. Note: Background music is CD-Audio, so was absent during my tests.UPDATE: Tested in 3.71 pops, converted using Popstation_toc_tinnus. Working with background music.3.90-m33 Runs flawlessly! -anthall19914.01-m33 Runs flawlessly! -anthall1991
Minor sound deterioration during Talking Sequences on ALL firmwares 3.71 and 3.72 included other then that gameplay has no errors on 3.71m33 and higher Tested by Finstern, works perfectly under 3.90m33-2, no sound defects.Tested by dish: works with 3.72POPS, but with 3.90M33-2 opening CG movie won't start (black screen). 3.72 has some lags especially on "Drowned Abbey" level. Finished the game.
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
After Main Menu, game freezes to black screen. unplayable. tested on 3.90m33 2.
Minor sound deterioration during battles; resolved by saving and restarting on 3.71 m33-3, the sound deterioration disappears, but you get a black screen at parts. Seems to happen at the same spots.While playing on 3.71 you'll get a blackscreen after Lenus fight. Update to 3.80 and it will run fine. Also use popsloader to emulate other firmwares, so you can change back, because there will be more blackscreens and you'll need to change firmware back to 3.71. (At least, that worked for me).Works perfectly on my 3.90 m33-2!!People have found that if you don't turn into a Dragoon during the Lenus fight then it wont freeze. (yes she's hard, but you don't want to risk it freezing, so don't change into your Dragoons.)
Legend of Kartia
Actual gameplay works fine on 3.71m33-4, only glitch i've seen is in dialogue sometimes the "press x button" is corrupted, but its barely noticeable - khajiit
Graphics glitches, Using items freeze the game for most people.UPDATE: No Errors found on 3.71 M33-3. Tested by MonkeyJamboree• Change GameID to SCPS10059
Graphics glitches when using some artifactsMinor sound glitches(sound is almost perfect with 3.52 M33+).Some Artifacts lock game when placed. Golden Seed locks game on 3.4 OE and 3.52 M33. Golden Seed does not lock game on 3.71 M33Using heavy attacks with the bow and the flail causes severe artifacting, all other weapons work fine (3.40 OE)
All issues are cleared up in POPs 3.72 NO sound glitches no artifact glitches everything 100% on 3.72 POPs [Solace]
Works great, no problems in 1st level. 3.80 m33-5 ~Beaniehat~
Lode Runner - The Legend Returns
Tested by MAN-biker
Lost World: Jurassic Park
No Errors on 3.71 M33-3. Tested by MonkeyJamboree
Lunar Silver Star Story Complete
Use CWcheat to switch discs.3.90: works fine on this firmware with single eboot. by LordJovanius
4.01: works fine on this firmware with multidisc eboot. by Jonregulo
Lunar 2:Eternal Blue
3.71 3.72:Game Hangs on the end of FMV where u exit the Blue Shpere Tower just on the first disc3.80 M33-5: Game no longer hangs on any FMV sequence; I have had no freezes in the game at all. There was no need to use CWCheat to bypass any glitches or problems besides changing discs which is inevitable. Some people say you need to run the game in Normal screen size but I was able to run it in Full Screen the entire game. My specs are CFW 3.80 M33-5 with Popsloader 3.71, (This EBOOT is a Multidisc EBOOT!), im not sure if the game works on ANY other version because i've only checked it on 3.80 M33-5. - Gekkôstate//3.90: This one doesn't even load the FMV, so for those wanting to play the game don't use popstation_md. Just make single disc EBOOTs and play the game on an earlier popsloader
3.90: Ok i am testign this one out now and you can make a single eboot of multidisc for this game and so far it works perfectly, escept you can't change the screen setup. it hung on me in the blue spire garden on full screen, i changed it to original and it works great so far. by LordJovanius
Tested on 3.71 M33-4 by GamerbyDesign.I´m using a PSP-Slim with 3.90 M33 and it freezes on the Flutter if you go down the second ladder and try to go up again, the game even turn off my console, I tried the saulcomcor´s EBOOT and making my own with IceTea 1.3 even used Popsloader 3.80 (Full) with the FW on 3.71, but nothing, you can´t go up the ladder and you need to do so a little further in the game by VoltKaizer.
Megaman Legends 2
Voiceovers during cutscenes are not in synch and if the video finishes first it cuts out the remaining dialog. Gameplay seems perfect otherwise. Tested on OE-B
The Misadventures of Tron Bonne
Crashes after Tiesel gets kidnapped just before you start the actual game.3.72: Best played on this firmware3.80-4.01: Use the 3.80 Popsloader to load 3.72 Tested by shortboy3.90 Working, but may freeze when acquiring certain items on Digging missions.
Megaman X3
Locks up after 'Capcom' video when displaying Now Loading screen as of 3.90 M33
If you are having problems with stuttering voices in 'codec' conversations, then use GameID SLPM-86114.You can use popstation_md to combine both discs into one eboot. (only works on 3.71-4 m33 and above)If you don't want to make a Multi-disc eboot, then you can switch discs using CWcheat codes, read psychospacefish's post.Hint: During the Psycho Mantis fight go to your Home menu and change controller ports (only works on 3.30 and above).
Since you can't change CDs in the emulator to get more monsters you're going to be limited to just a few. However there's CWcheat codes that will help you get what you want. Go to the Monster Rancher page for more info.Works great on 3.71
If you copy this save into your SAVEDATA folder you'll be able to slate a whole bunch of new monsters at the shrine.Otherwise you are going to need to use CWcheat codes. Go to the Monster Rancher 2 page for more info.
No music, no sound - see the PSX on PSP - Multi-Track Disk Handling manual for fixes.Update by GamerbyDesign: It has music and sound. Runs perfectly. Tested on 3.71 M33-4
Mortal Kombat Mythologies - Sub Zero
3.80 (SLES-01020): Press START/X button at the text screens that follow after boot-up, otherwise the game will hang - by 2PS.Tested on 3.71 M33-4 by GamerbyDesign
Moto Racer
Moto Racer 2
Tested on 3.71 M33-4 by GamerbyDesign
Moto Racer World Tour
Motor Toon Grand Prix
4.01: Works flawlessly!Tested by Milkymoocowmoo, 4.01 M33-2
Sound hangs on the title screen under 3.52 M33. Clears up during the "Now Loading" screen.Tested with no errors on 3.71 M33-3 by MonkeyJamboreeTested by Finstern, works on 3.10 perfectly for use with 2 player ad-hoc mode under IRShell
Ogre Battle
Limited screen problem - no report on the NTSC versions
Omega Boost
Tested on 3.71 M33-3 by MonkeyJamboree
3.90: Hangs at boot - by 2PS.popsloader @ 3.71:boots and plays fine - by killergp123
If using 3.52 or below use psychospacefish's patch to combine both discs into one. Works perfectly on 3.71 M33-4, you can use popstation_md to create one eboot of both discs.Not sure whether this happens normally or not, but on 3.71m33-2 ada does not dispose of keys until you reach the hospital, not game breaking, but frustrating!
Parasite Eve 2
In order to proceed to disc 2 you need to save your game before getting into the truck at the trailer. Then exit the game, now you can run the disc 2 eboot and continue your game (make sure your disc 2 eboot has the same GameID as disc 1).The Full Motion Videos Have a weird problem which basically makes them unviewable (if that bothers you then don't play this game). SLPS-00025 must be used (on both discs) to get this to boot at all.NOTE: Does not work on m33 3.52-4 or m33 3.71-2 (stops right before the opening sequence like it did on older firmwares).Runs fine on 3.40 OE
Runs without graphical glitches w/ popsloader for 3.11 or 3.30 - Running 3.90 m33-2 by Mestopholeese
Parasite Eve 2
Use SLPS-00025 to avoid publisher screen freeze. Works fine on 3.40 POPS. Will not work on 3.90. Movies are watchable but has slight distortion. Certain cutscenes lag and not in sync with the audio on max compression. Saving may fail on rare occasions but all you need to do is put the phone down then try again. Tested by euthaherz
Freezes on the first loading screen with seems to be working fine.
Persona 2:Eternal Punishment
Use 4.01 with GameID SLPS-02100 and you shouldn't have many problems. Rarely the game may freeze, so be sure to save often.
Persona 2:Innocent Sin
Tested on 4.01 m33-2 maybe slowdown a bit for some time, but still work. no bug, no freeze so far.
PGA Tour'98
3.80 by 2PS
3.90 by 2PS.
Pikinya! EX
3.80 by 2PS
Pocket Fighters
Update from Mr. Zhang - "Sometimes during the light blue “Pocket Fighters” loading screen between rounds while playing “Arcade Mode,” the game freezes. I’m using 3.90 M33-3. As far as I could tell it is random." If anyone has any tips, feel free to let us know.
Point Blank
Point Blank 3
Populous: The Beginning
Tested on 3.40 OE-A, works great.
Porsche Challenge
Power Shovel
3.80 by 2PS
Poy Poy
Poy Poy 2
Professional Underground League of Pain
Main Menu music seems to not play, no problems otherwise; tested on 3.71 M33-3 by Don Roberto
Project Overkill
Psychic Detective
Title does not work in ANY firmware/emulator as it requires the game to be run from CD only. There is a copy protection message at the start. By 2PS
3.90: Runs fine - 2PS3.80: Freezes once in-game/demo - 2PS
Ranma 1/2 Renaissance
Rapid Reload
3.90 by 2PS
Ray Tracers
RayCrisis: Series Termination
3.90 by 2PS
Some great instructions on how to run this game come from jawB.C.. Thanks for the tip!
Rayman 2
Working only on 3.90 pops, make sure Disc-Load Speed is set to Normal (because of graphics glitches) Tested on 3.93. Works fine until "The Bayou" level. Freezes at the part in which you must hit the switch and get to the door before it closes.
3.90: J (SLPS-00678) by 2PS.
RC Helicopter
3.90 by 2PS
RC Revenge
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing: Round 2
3.90 by 2PS
Resident Evil
Works well 3.71. Some sound glitches. Tested by SephirothX
3.40/3.52: SLPS-01222 MUST be set as the Game ID.3.71: Disc 1 reported to work if you use the GameID SLPS-01510, however disc 2 freezes at police station.3.80: Both disk 1 and 2 work perfectly using SLPS-01222 again. Tested by Cheska.3.90: Both disk 1 and 2 freeze at Violence Warning screen on SLPS-01222. Leon/Claire A Scenarios (Disk 1) works perfectly using SLPS-01510, but B Scenarios freeze at random points when going up stairs or ladders in the police station.
The PAL version does work. POPS v3.40 required (Download all POPS versions using POPLoader - activate plugins in Recovery Menu). Tested on SLIM 3.71 M33-3.
Resident Evil 2: Dual Shock Edition
3.52: Works perfectly - Use SLPS-01222 - by 2PS3.80/.90: Crashes at violence warning screen even when using SLPS-01222 - use other fw (3.52) - by 2PS
Use SLPS-01222 (BioHazard 2 Game ID) to avoid Clock Tower game freeze. To avoid game freeze after getting the firehose, instead of going directly to the alley, go back to the parking lot to deposit the hose in the chest. Now go directly to the alley (without the fire hose) and then there you withdraw the hose skipping the door where the game freezes.
May encounter flickering backgrounds on lower firmware/Popstation versions. Use 3.10 Popstation with Popsloader if using 3.03 OE-C or lower, or use firmware 3.30 OE-A.
Saga Frontier 2
Does not load Duel fights, causing the game to be unplayable on 3.71 M33-2.
Samurai Shodown: Warriors Rage
Also known as Samurai Spirits Shinshou - kenkaku Ibunroku Yomigaerishi Soukou no Yaiba
Samurai Shodown: Warriors Rage
3.80 by 2PS
Sentinel Returns
3.80 by 2PS
Sexy Parodius
Shadow Man
Working, but slow (like on PSX)
3.80 Runs ok but crashes when coming out of options menu - by 2PS
Sheep Dog and Wolf
Some sound desynchronization
Silhouette Mirage
3.90 by 2PS.
Silent Bomber
3.90: Severe slowdown issues whenever explosions occur at the tutorial, after that everything runs fine! - by 2PS
3.80 by 2PSNo Errors on 3.71 M33-3. Tested by MonkeyJamboree
3.52/.80/.90: Same issue applies as with 3.71 M33-3. By 2PSWill not work on PSP at all as of 3.71 M33-3, nor on PS2 with original disc. Tested by MonkeyJamboree
Not at fullspeed, Crashes at 2nd stage(3.51 update: Now runs at fullspeed, 2nd-stage bug fixed. Edge Master mode freezes at 'Mission 1' screen. SLPS-01222 increases compatibility, but re-introduces slowdown.)
UPDATE: Running at full speed, no crashes in 3.71 pops. Converted using Icetea using id SLUS00240
Soul Blade
Screen Offset due to PAL, but not severe, Fullspeed(3.51 update: Screen centering fixed, Edge Master mode freezes at 'Mission 1' screen. SLPS-01222 introduces the same compatibility and slowdown issues as the NTSC version.)
Soul Edge
Fullspeed(Running 3.80 with popstation: Popped in 3.71 and it ran fine. This is a Jap PS game I imported this off ebay. Created using all the default numbers. GIDN off disk etc. Tested by MasterTurkey. see youtube ncpr707.
Soul Of The Samurai
3.90: No problems, dojo-crash bypassed! - by 2PS3.80 M33-5: Crash occurs when attemping to exit out of the dojo sparring-game when SELECT is pressed - by 2PS
Soviet Strike
3.90 by 2PS.Tested on 3.52 M33 by GamerbyDesign
Speed Freaks
Spider - The Video Game
3.80 by 2PS
Spiderman 2 - Enter Electro
Sound and video seem fine, tested in 3.71 M33-3 by Don Roberto
Works poorly 3.71 3.40. Can crash randomly while entering worlds. Tested by SephirothX. Update from Mr. Mallon: working up to trying to get to level 2 then fails.
Possible freeze when you first enter Fienal Tower and watch FMV with fast disc loading setting. Change to normal to fix this. Update from neoxavien - "seems to freeze randomly during battles the farther I got into the game. tested on popsloader 3.72 and 3.90 with cfw 3.90 m33-3". If you have more information to pass along or fixes, pass them on!
Star Sweep
3.80 by 2PS
Star Wars: Dark Forces
Seems to play fine but the weapon graphics and enemy sprites are "junked" and blend with the wall texture.
Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi
Extreme graphical problems 3.02. Tested by SephirothX
Starblade Alpha
3.80 Works fine on NTSC-J (SLPS-00022) - by 2PS.Continuing or pausing the game will send you back to the start of the first level, may sometimes warp you to the second level.
3.80 by 2PS
Starfighter Sanvein
3.80 by 2PS
Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold (Street Fighter Collection Disc 1)
Freezes on Mist monster in 3.40 and below.WORKS 100% on new 3.51 M33 Firmware - see Installing PSP 3.51 M33 Firmware.3.90 Works perfectly - tested by kryst abegnalie
Works great on 3.71 and above - big thanks to Mr. SaintPizzy for the update.
Tail of the Sun
Works perfectly on 3.71 M33
Tales of Destiny
3.03 OE-C: When using spells with animations(spells that make every unit on the screen stop their movement until the attack finishes), the game may freeze. Spells that don't have animation may freeze but with extremely low chance(only encountered once out of 20+ hours).3.71: When I was playing on 3.71 sometimes after a battle it would get stuck at a black screen, this was really rare though. Other than that the game works great just be sure to save often.
3.72: Using popsloader to run 3.72 it seemed to freeze less than other versions, but I haven't tested it thoroughly, I only used it the last half of the game.
It loads up but freezes after 5 seconds after loading the trianning level. Tested on 3.52 M33-4 by GamerbyDesignTested on slim psp 3.90 m333.03 pops. Works perfectly(as far as I can tell) doesn't freeze at training level. Used alcohol 52% to rip .ccd,.sub,.img from disc then PSX2PSP v.1.2 to make the eboot. by Mornaug
Tomb Raider II
Works with the new CDDA enabled version of Popstation - we'll post a link once we have one! Doesn't work with Firmware 3.40 OE-A by dvdchas
Tomb Raider III
Tomb Raider IV (A.K.A. The Last Revelation)
Works with 3.03 OE-C ripped with CloneCD and processed with Zinga Burga PopstationGUI 3.00
3.03 OE-C: Dialog voices are glitchy. Freezes after talking with Odin.
Vampire Hunter D
Vanark - Astro Trooper
3.90: No probs. 3.80: Hangs at boot - by 2PS.
Vandal Hearts
4.01: Worked perfectly - Hitcher
Vandal Hearts II
4.01: Working perfectly so far. Will update when completed - Hitcher.
Vanguard Bandits
Flawless with 3.03 OEA 3.90: works flawlessly on my 3.90 firmware by LordJovanius
Vib Ribbon
3.80: Runs fine BUT is not playable as the game does not appear to stream any music from the game itself (once in-game the level is just straight (Flatlined). By 2PS3.90: Crashes after the initial menus are bypassed (graphical crash). By 2PS
Victory Boxing Challenger
3.90 by 2PS
3.52: Runs fine - by 2PS3.80/90: Loops to PS logo when game is started (After the 'Prepare to Engage' screen)- by 2PS
Vigilante 8
Half of the levels won't run, redraw problems for distant objects (no textures), some sound problemsUpdate from dopi:On POP's 3.40 - sound works only sfx no music. Every level works no freezes, completed "quest mode" with no prob.
Vigilante 8: Second Offense
Redraw problems for distant objects (no textures), lens flare redraw problem, some sound problems, occasional crash--edit 3.03 oe-A has sound(music) problems when you change music in game but when used in 3.30 oe-A sound(music) work fine.
Load screen does not come up on 3.40 using 3.80 M33 Popsloader to emulate the prior version. 3.90 M33-3 seems to work after a few hours of play
Wild 9
3.90 by 2PSMusic works just fine on 3.71 M33-3 if using a GOOD disc image. most out there seem to be without the audio track info in the .cue file. Tested by MonkeyJamboree
Tested on 3.52 M33-4 by GamerbyDesign
Tested on 3.80m33-5
WipeOut 2097
Hangs after intro. Tested on Firmware 3.40 OE-A by dvdchas
First form Deus has an attack that locks game. (beat him quickly)3.52 m33: May freeze during the "Old Movie Countdown" scene. Use 3.40 if this happens.There's no need to beat Deus quickly, you only must wait his attack wich drops his energy and yours at 50%, but do not fear, that attack do not kill anybody, then wait until his energy (and maybe yours) is below of 1000 HPs then use System ID with Fei and attack with X button, that attack should kill Deus, is important that you don't attack Deus before, if you do, then Deus will counterattack with the attack that freeze the game. By JuanMan.3.71 M33: Seems to work without problems, except a small sound hitch upon leaving the Save menu. May be in the original game?3.90 M33: Freezes after the "shatter" effect during the first battle of the intro, with a sound loop. Use 3.71 if you require multi-disc PBP support.4.01 M33: Freezes after the "shatter" effect during the first battle of the intro, with a sound loop. Use 3.71 if you require multi-disc PBP support.
тупорылые как так можно писать pops.txt где он уроды не навижу руки из
Сообщение от Mariarti
идиоты какието папуасы бабы не навижу
Сообщение от Mariarti
зачем тут рисуешся как муха на стекле-самый грамотный?
Сообщение от Mariarti
ErikPshat какойто дурачек?
Сообщение от Mariarti
если ты такой умный разложи по слагам
Уж извини, но специально объясню таким ипланам, как некоторые...
Если положить готовый файл pops.txt в архив, то у людей, у которых возможно есть такой файл и в нём прописаны какие-либо свои плагины, например скриншотер, usb.prx и т.п., то мы предугадать этого не можем, поэтому они могут залить себе архив, не посмотрев, что там уже лежит наш pops.txt и он заменит ихние настройки в ихнем личном pops.txt, отсюда потом возникнет ещё куча вопросов, типа почему у меня перестали сниматься скриншоты в играх PSX, почему перестал работать remotejoy и т.д. и т.п.
Надеюсь я удовлетворил твой паганый рот?
И на этой счастливой ноте сообщаю, что с педиками, у которых чешется дырка в ****, мы не долго думая прощаемся.
И ты прощай
Иди вон у себя в блоге лучше попиши: http://blogs.mail.ru/mail/olmelia.82/
Чё там, в Минске у вас в Белтелеком все такие лошары?
Мельниченко Ольга твоя жена что-ли?
Последний раз редактировалось ErikPshat; 20.06.2012 в 03:56.
Ребят такая проблема купил psp прошили на 6 39 pro b-6 и хочу поиграть в psx игры, но у же довольно долгое время лазию по инету и нечего не получается у игр черный экран а на R меню не вылазит меню, можете нубку помочь?
Slim 2004, Data Code 7c.
6.60 ME-1,8
Popsloadder v3 (и в2 и в1 пробовал - безрезультатно. Попс бридж тоже попробовал, на всякий, - глухой завис при запуске).
Не запускается Persona 2 EP. Запуск на попсе 401 - чёрный экран. В меню попса выходит. На попсах выше - тоже самое. На попсах ниже - ошибка 8000004.
Модули стоят, пути/текстовики не перепутаны. Образ рабочий, винрарная раздача на торрентсе - моя (CarelessAngel). Откопал ПСП с полки, обновил и не пашет.
Вместе с этим пробовал Краш 3й на 3,52 попсе - та же ошибка (а краш запускался на всех старых попсах без проблем, в частности на 3,52м33 играл без попслоаддера). Стал тормозить Краш Баш на всех попсах. У меня ощущение что попслоаддер либо не работает вовсе, либо работает не корректно.
Проблема наблюдается так же на Фатке с той же прошивкой и попсом. Сегодня откатил её на 5.00 М33-6 - всё рабочее (попслоаддер только для 5 00 поставил (не из этой темы, старый).
Последний раз редактировалось vOoLt; 04.08.2012 в 15:10.
Причина: Двойная паста
Поставь прошивку 6.60 PROMOD - модификации прошивок PRO, она без дополнительных попслоадеров должна запускать PSX игры. Только повнимательней с CIPL flasher, если захочешь снова изменить прошивку, то сначала его удаляй.
vash, я больше хочу разобраться в причине.
Попслоаддер просто вспомогательаня программа для запуска попсов с разных версий прошивок, по сути одни и те же попсы на любых прошивка должны работать одинаково, аннет.
перешиваться ещё на что-то не хочу по нескольким причинам:
1) Нет толкового описание, чем эта хрень лучше чем другие прошивки.
2) Вырвиглазный фак.
3) Я лучше откачусь на 5.00 м33, где всё работает прекрасно, чем опять буду убивать тонну времени чтобы вникать во все тонкости + результат-то сомнителен.
Надеюсь ничьи старания не оскорбил. Просто напоминает ситуацию: "Доктор, у меня нога болит, что делать ? -Вырастите новую".
Спасибо за оперативный отклик.
Последний раз редактировалось vOoLt; 04.08.2012 в 16:45.
Причина: быстрый ответ даблит содержимое.
по сути одни и те же попсы на любых прошивка должны работать одинаково, аннет.
Правильно, ничто никому ничего не должно, ведь все кастомные прошивки, попслоадеры и т.д. самодельные и не зря их постоянно обновляют и доделывают, исправляя всякие косяки, а на такую "мелочь", как совместимость с играми PSX обращают внимание не всегда.
Знаю, что 6.60Про с играми от ПС1 лучше совместимы, чем 6.60МЕ. Далее, игры от ПС1 нужно конвертировать специально под прошивку 6.60, поэтому, не все PSX игры работающие на 5.00 запускаются на 6.60 (естественно, на кастомных).
Если в чём-то ошибаюсь, меня поправят, а может и дополнят мои выводы.
vash, "игры от ПС1 нужно конвертировать специально под прошивку 6.60"
Уже теплее) Я видел на 4пда людей, которые качали мою раздачу и сталкивались с такой же проблемой, а потом у них всё заработало (естественно, они не потрудились поделиться информацией что делали).
Ядра попса не должны зависеть от текущей прошивки консоли. Мы же их выдираем из офф прошивок разных версий. Был бы кто-нибудь с Про кто может проверить персону на работоспособность..
Последний раз редактировалось vOoLt; 04.08.2012 в 17:23.
Причина: быстрый ответ даблит содержимое
vash, стянул. Пошла, но ужасно тормозит - айди родной (в боях будет виснуть намертво при вызове персоны). Попробую обратно переделать по вашей инструкции, отпишусь по результатам.
С нужным айди не пашет. Персона отсюда на 401 попсе тоже не пашет.
Есть кто с прошивкой от ПРО и кто может потестить ЕП и Айди от инноцент син ?
По ходу буду откатываться на 5,00.
Последний раз редактировалось vOoLt; 05.08.2012 в 18:34.
Причина: Быстрый ответ даблит пост
Другие консоли: NES-подобное нечто, Talking Brick Game 1997 in 1, "Ну, погоди", "Автослалом"
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(за этого человека можно гордиться)
А в чем именно идиотичность?
По-моему, вопросы как вопросы: 1) почему попсы пашут по-разному на 6.60 и 5.00, хотя вроде и правда выдраны из оф. прошивки? 2) надо ли конвертировать под 6.60 как-то по-особому? 3) что надо сделать-то vOoLt'y, чтобы бандикуты, персоны и пр. не тормозили - PRO что ли поставить? В этом что ли идиотичность - что он PRO не поставил?
KirJan-DeSign, товарищ модератор, давай не будем скатываться до личных оскорблений, тем более публично ?
alex90, "2) надо ли конвертировать под 6.60 как-то по-особому?"
Тут вообще мистика. Весь софт остался прежним. Один и тот же образ диска. Один идёт, второй - нет.
Я надеюсь выцепить хоть кого-то кто в своё время ковырял прошивки/попсы и до сих пор "в теме". Т.к. нормальной хронологии нет. Только 20 факов как установить то или это, а толкового описания что это и чем оно вообще лучше - нет.
Последний раз редактировалось vOoLt; 06.08.2012 в 01:12.
Причина: Быстрый ответ даблит содержимое
ну как-же нет?
я вот не понял, зачем Персону мою запускал на попсе? она прекрасно работает без попса, собственно потому-что под 6.60про сделана.
эмм, что ещё добавить? чем ПРО лучше МЕ для ПСХ-игр? это очевидно..."вырвиглазный фак" - кому как...
Сообщение от vOoLt
Был бы кто-нибудь с Про кто может проверить персону на работоспособность..
10 человек уже проверили, мало?
Сообщение от vOoLt
Я надеюсь выцепить хоть кого-то кто до сих пор "в теме".
ну выцепил, даже зацепил) результат достигнут?
когда будут нормальные вопросы? и что вообще мешает поставить про-мод и проверить игры, выложенные тут: https://www.pspx.ru/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=229
судя по твоим вопросам и самоуверенности, я не чувствую собеседника "в теме", уж извините. если охота обсудить проблемы конвертации псх-псп, добро пожаловать в соответствующую тему, ссылку я уже дал...
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