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Существовала версия приставки, окрашенная в синий цвет, в отличие от обычной версии серого цвета. Этот вариант предназначался для разработчиков и некоторых представителей прессы (тем не менее, несколько экземпляров этой модели появлялись на вторичном рынке по довольно высоким ценам). На техническом уровне эта модель была почти полностью идентична модели, продаваемой в розницу, отличия заключались только в контроллере диска: он не требовал наличия кода региона, поскольку предназначался для использования с носителями CD-R для отладки. Это позволяло запускать игры с дисков, предназначенных для других регионов, но эта возможность официально не поддерживалась; для каждого региона предлагалась своя версия Devstation.
Более поздние версии отладочной модели были зелёного цвета. Это отличие не было чисто косметическим: синие модели (DTL-H100x, DTL-H110x) содержали чип ревизии B, такой же как в ранних розничных моделях (этот чип имел ошибки, которые приходилось обходить в программном обеспечении), зелёные модели (DTL-H120x) — чип ревизии C. Необходимым тестом было тестирование программы на обеих моделях — синей и зелёной. Вопреки распространённому мнению, объём памяти отладочной модели был таким же как и в розничной — 2 МБ. Содержимое ПЗУ было почти идентично, единственное различие состояло в том, что отладочные вызовы printf() отсылали строку в последовательный порт, если только он не был открыт для обмена самой программой.
Репутация: 243 
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x1 Sony PlayStation 2 INTERNAL 40G HDD UNIT
x1 Sony PlayStation 2 HDD UTILITY DISC Version 1.00
(NEW FACTORY SEALED inside the 40GB HDD packing)
x1 Sony PlayStation 2 LINUX Beta Release 1
x1 Sony PlayStation 2 AV, S-Video & VGA ADAPTOR
The official LINUX kit was release at the beginning of 2002 on Japan market, it was planed to release only 1000set . . . but finaly around 3000 sets released & fall 2002 U.S. also released the LINUX 1.0 on US market, with the LINUX kit, you could try something more than just gaming on PS2 console but of cause you still need related programming skill to running LINUX on PS2 console.
All items on photo above are include:-
x1 Sony PlayStation 2 EXTERNAL 40G HDD UNIT
x1 Sony PlayStation 2 PCMCIA Type III LAN CARD ADAPTOR
x1 Sony PlayStation 2 a.c.100V~120V adaptor (for HDD Unit)
x1 Sony PlayStation 2 Linux Beta Release 1
x1 Sony PlayStation 2 USB 106-J Keyboard
x1 Sony PlayStation 2 USB Mouse
x1 Sony PlayStation VGA / audio cable (support SYNC-ON-GREEN Monitors)
x1set User manual & paper works
x1 Original packing box
Репутация: 243 
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SONY PLAYSTATION NET YAROZE примерная стоимость $456.78
Данная вариация консоли Playstation предназначалась для любительской разработки игр под Playstation.
750 долларов США — такова была заявленная стоимость Net Yaroze.
Эта консоль была гораздо дороже чем оригинальная PlayStation, черного цвета, и, что более важно, продавалась с инструментарием и инструкциями, которые позволяли пользователям создавать собственные игры и программы для PlayStation без лицензии разработчика, стоившей в несколько раз дороже самой консоли и выдававшейся только официальным разработчикам Sony. Тем не менее, Net Yaroze была хуже, чем девелоперская версия консоли. Программисты были ограничены 2 МБ, в которых им приходилось втискивать свою игру. Кроме того, пользователь не мог официально писать свои игровые диски. Количество памяти может показаться маленьким, но игры, такие как Ridge Racer, запускались прямо из системной памяти (исключая аудиотреки). Кроме того, это единственная официальная версия Sony PlayStation без региональной защиты; она могла запускать игры любого региона.
Последний раз редактировалось N64_owner; 11.04.2009 в 12:33.
Репутация: 243 
(весьма и весьма положительная личность)
Sony Playstation 1 Dev Kit
Sony Playstation 1 Dev Kit - одна из первых версий!
The DTL-H505, codename MW.3, is the earliest development hardware with final PlayStation silicon and appeared in late Spring 1994. Most of these target boxes lacked sound hardware (or libraries to make use of it) and there was no CD drive. The museum is under the assumption that it utilized the CD-emulator board. Sony's next move was to consolidate the target box to a standard PC platform by way of two ISA cards (DTL-H2000) and develop an external CD-ROM drive (DTL-H2010).
Note: As you can imagine, there does exist an MW.2 which is believed to be similar to MW.3 but with beta silicon (meaning the PlayStation architecture was not finalized).
Последний раз редактировалось N64_owner; 14.04.2009 в 11:12.
Репутация: 243 
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PlayStation Arcade Development System
PlayStation Arcade Development System
Above are pictures of a rare PlayStation Development Arcade System COH-2000. Note the JAMMA edge connector and standard SCPH-1000 output.
-Namco used an earlier version on their System 11 boards from at least 1994 to 1995, they released an updated motherboard with retail chips on sometime after that. The games from 1996 onwards were coded to detect which version you had and switch. The games released in 1995 to 1995 ( only Tekken & Tekken 2 are known so far ) can only run on the early chipset, some parts of the software can cope but others can't. I would assume that they had been supplied with libraries later on that supported the final chips, but the game was too far into development to switch.
-Konami also used the same early version of the chipset on the arcade version of Crypt Killer.
-The main differences between the early and retail chips are the format of the GPU packets & an optional scrambled texture format. Currently I am guessing there is no texture cache and the scrambling allows it to fetch multiple pixels at once to make it fast enough.
Последний раз редактировалось N64_owner; 14.04.2009 в 11:12.
Репутация: 243 
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SN Systems DTL-S2900 CD Emulation
SN Systems DTL-S2900 CD Emulation
What is the CD Emulation System?
CD Emulation System for PlayStation provides CD emulation to accompany development on the DTL-H2000, 2500 and 2700 series of Sony PlayStation development boards.
CD emulation allows you to see how your program will run on the CD before you commit to cutting a disc, by imitating the running of a CD image on an alternative storage device.
This easy to install and intuitive product is available in two different hardware packages, enabling you to choose the hardware configuration that fits your setup. Choose between the CD Emulation system in an external unit which plugs via a SCSI adapter into any free PCI slot on your PC, or an Emulator board that plugs directly into any free ISA slot on your PC.
The tools provided in the CD Emulation System enable you to create and manipulate a CD image graphically, by dragging the required files to a graphical representation of the CD.
The CD emulator part of the emulation system is a piece of hardware that simulates a CD mechanism. It does this by intercepting commands to the target's CD mechanism via an adapter attached to the target and diverting them to the CD emulator via the appropriate cable. On receipt of the commands, the CD emulation simulates the appropriate CD response.
What does it include?
CD Emulation System provided in external unit (DTL-S2900)
The external unit CD emulator has a useful additional feature, an LCD display which provides real-time emulation information.
Another advantage of this hardware package is that it can be connected directly to a PCI slot on your PC, leaving valuable ISA slots free for other boards. The supplied SCSI adapter auto-configures. Alternatively, it can be plugged into any SCSI card, e.g. an Adaptec card, that the user already has in their machine.
The CD Emulation System in this hardware package consists of the following:
CD Emulator two bay unit
CD Emulator Adapter used to connect to Sony DTL cards
SCSI Controller card with external SCSI 2 type connector
Removable hard disc drive storage kit
Set of intuitive Windows-based tools for Windows 95 or NT, allowing the building, maintenance and emulation of CD images
Connection cables
CD Emulation System provided on a board (DTL-S2910)
The CD Emulator board can be plugged directly into any free ISA slot on your PC. The ISA board auto-configures. This board can be plugged into the same slot as the original system.
The CD Emulation System in this hardware package consists of the following:
CD Emulation DTL-S2910 card
Connection cables
Set of intuitive Windows-based tools for Windows 95 or NT, allowing the building, maintenance and emulation of CD image
A well designed software graphical user interface that enables you to create and manipulate a CD image on an alternative storage device by dragging files and dropping them over the graphical representation of the CD.
The ability to use this image to realistically assess the timings of the potential CD by using it as the basis for CD emulation, i.e. the CD Emulator will use the files located on the storage media to mimic the files normally found on the CD.
The ability to quickly and easily make changes to the CD image (edit files, or change file order) with no significant time overhead.
Once you are satisfied with the performance of an emulated CD image and provided you are connected to a CD recorder device, you can use this software to cut a gold disc.
A new design of external unit (depending on the hardware package) with LCD display that enables you to monitor the emulator activity in real time.
It emulates a CD drive for a Sony Playstation development board.
It can be used with any PC with a free PCI slot (if you choose the external box configuration), or any PC with a free ISA slot (if you choose the emulator board option).
You can connect additional SCSI HDs to it for storing additional CD emulation images.
You can connect a Sony approved SCSI CDR to it.
The supplied boards provided with the system auto-configure (no confusing jumpers to be manually set).
The software has been designed with the intuitive Windows look and feel.
To create a CD for emulation, just drag and drop files into the CD explorer window.
Software provides real-time feedback of the status of the CD emulation.
The software allows CDs to be cut directly from the emulation image.
System Requirements
Host 486/Pentium class PC with Windows 95 installed and one free ISA slot. DTL-H2000, 2500 and 2700 series of Sony PlayStation development boards.
SN Systems Technical Support
You can obtain technical support and upgrades for the CD Emulation System for PlayStation direct from us. You're never more than an e-mail or a phone call away from a team of specialist support technicians. Continuing an SN Systems tradition, all our technical support and upgrades are free for the lifetime of the product, ensuring your software is always at the leading edge of PlayStation games development.
Про eBay я знаю, так как даже ставку делал на этот лот.
Почему "S" тоже не понятно. Литера "S" использовалась в 1993-1994 годах для обозначения некоторых карт. Типа DTL-S2020 и DTL-S510B (я поделился фотографиями, поэтому можете добавить их сюда). Потом с литерой "S" выпускалось только ПО.
"H" - Hardware.
"D" - Documentaion.
"S" - Software.
"T" - Tool (начиная с PlayStation 2).