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19.08.2007, 17:09
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3.52 M33-3 Bug Report
Hi Team M33,
First of all, congrats on this fabulous firmware, good job reversing Alex's Job.
I'm trying to be useful and report the bugs and missing stuff I find in this firmware. Of course, fixing them is totally up to you.
A bug I reported a while back, where you guys said you will check. But I guess you never got around to doing so =)
XMB --> Settings --> System Settings --> UMD Auto start
when this option is set to on (while having a UMD inserted) the PSP wont boot to the game.
in other terms, do the steps above, turn of your psp, turn it on again and it you will get a black screen after the gameboot (the psp logo)
Others have confirmed this bug as well.
Suggestion: any possibility of modifying pspbtcnf.bin? As they were only txt files in previous firmwares..
Edit: I found out that zinga burger made a program to modify this. I'll leave it as a suggestion though..
Sorry for my English in case there are some mistake, I learned it as a second language =)
Thanks again =)
Последний раз редактировалось Madridi4ever; 21.08.2007 в 16:02.
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19.08.2007, 17:21
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Excellent idea for a thread, it is a bit odd not being able to access the extra speed's in recovery.
Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо UncertainGod за это полезное сообщение:
19.08.2007, 17:35
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Сообщение от UncertainGod
Excellent idea for a thread, it is a bit odd not being able to access the extra speed's in recovery.
Thanks =)
I'm guessing they just forgot about it..
Hopefully they get to see this thread
19.08.2007, 21:22
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This is from the 3.52 M33-3 announcement thread
"- About flashing in flash0 via XMB. The CRC error should happen only when writing to kd and vsh/module."
Unfortunately it is also happening in any of the vsh folders to my experience. At the minute the vsh flash access is good for making a backup and that is all.
Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо UncertainGod за это полезное сообщение:
19.08.2007, 22:58
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I may be wrong here but doesn't the XMB use these files? So surely overwriting them while theyre in use in the XMB it is normal for them to become corrupted?
Also, I have a bug, the Hide Corrupt Files option doesn't hide corrupt files, they still there, and second Hard Reset on Homebrew doesn't work, my PSP still hard resets even with it disabled. Could this be something the Homebrew developer implemented in his EBOOT?
Thanks, and keep up the good work guys, just hope there is something that can be done about the people erroniously bricked by your retaliation device.
19.08.2007, 23:07
Сообщение: #6 (496303)
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Your explanation about the files is what I believe as well, however you would have thought they would put some safety mechanism in place to stop people semi-bricking there PSP, also the error you get while overwriting is a failed CRC check, not a write protect error.
As to your issues, hide corrupt icons isn't perfect, you may need to re-kxploit them, hard reset isn't perfect as well, those error's should be handled by the homebrew developer.
20.08.2007, 03:06
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A bug i found:
Setting the XMB Clock Speed works fine, but when I turn the screen off with the screen button and then turn it back on, the clock speed is oviously returned to the PSP default 222/111.
Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо madkid за это полезное сообщение:
20.08.2007, 05:22
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20.08.2007, 05:46
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for the umd movies, u can load any movies that requires higher firmware, from any region...i just dumped my Underworld Revolution umd (fw 2.60) with the included dump method (usb devices set as the umd disc, then copy the iso from the disc to the pc, very easy to use it)..then i loaded the iso from the ms and it worked fine...so..yeah...u can load any movies with any firmwares, there is no more that 1.5 restriction we had with umdemu v0.8c
Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо Dany25 за это полезное сообщение:
20.08.2007, 10:10
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when starting a game, and the psp logo is displayed. when you press home, the VSH menu will appear, and will freeze.
Этот пользователь сказал Спасибо REiYU за это полезное сообщение:
20.08.2007, 14:41
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@madkid: Weird.. I tested this.. doesnt happen to me. If anyone else confirm this I will add it to the bug list (to make m33's jo easier) .. =)
@crimsonfox: Wow!!.. I didnt know about this.. thanks you've been helpful to me and others I'm sure.. One question though, any bugs in that program?
@Dany25: Thanks for the confirmation I will remove it from the original post =)
@REiYU: I dont think they can do anything about it for now.. cause when the psp logo AKA gameboot is displayed.. the psp's is still in the xmb going to the game.. where vsh menu doesnt work there
Sorry I cant explain it any better.. but I dont think it's a bug
@UncertainGod: Meaning?.. are they going to fix it? .. or thats all they can do about it?
I guess I'll leave it in the original post for now..
keep em coming guys =)
20.08.2007, 14:56
Сообщение: #12 (496857)
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Сообщение от Dany25
for the umd movies, u can load any movies that requires higher firmware, from any region...i just dumped my Underworld Revolution umd (fw 2.60) with the included dump method (usb devices set as the umd disc, then copy the iso from the disc to the pc, very easy to use it)..then i loaded the iso from the ms and it worked fine...so..yeah...u can load any movies with any firmwares, there is no more that 1.5 restriction we had with umdemu v0.8c
Well I'm having a JAP PSP...... PSP-1000 and tried rip a Region 1 and Region3 movies but PSP freezes...... when i tried the Region2 UMD i was able to dump it... but when i tried to play it ....... its said "Disc Cannot be Played"
Would u mind to share how do u able to play it.... through which settings?
20.08.2007, 17:05
Сообщение: #14 (496984)
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Region2 UMD Video ISO's on a Region2 PSP works when i dump through VSHmenu... but it failed to load when i tried to dump through USBSSS !!
Ye.... Region restrictions still apply for VIDEO UMD's... although UMD iso's from other regions not tested by me....
20.08.2007, 18:52
Сообщение: #15 (497037)
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Guys would you mind naming the UMD videos?
it would be easier for m33 to fix the problem if they knew where to start looking for (not that the name will necessarily matter..)
@orpheus: you mean you ripped it, but werent able to play it.. right? and did u enable free umd region in the recovery menu?
@dany25: you seem like you have a collection of umd videos.. dont ask why I think so =P .. can you (or anyone else) investigate more regarding this issue?
20.08.2007, 19:12
Сообщение: #16 (497053)
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while playing MP3, when pressing home, VSH menu pops up when it shouldn't.
VSH menu should only pop up in the root menu of the XMB.
20.08.2007, 19:16
Сообщение: #17 (497056)
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yes that come while playing movie to.
it was an idea if they give like 2 second press the home to acces the vshmenu,
so they can perheps make the vshmenu enable to in game. that would be great.
20.08.2007, 19:42
Сообщение: #18 (497072)
@ Madrid4Ever - I wasn't able to rip it at all. I have the fake region set to Europe and the 'Free UMD Region' setting Enabled. When I go to the XMB and put the UMD disc in I get the 'disc can't be started, wrong region code' error. I then try to rip the disc using the new umd ripper in the firmware but the psp just freezes and needs to be shut down by having the battery pulled out. I can't rip the disc with USB-SSS either.
Incidentally the disc I was using is Ghost In The Shell Region 2 on a Region 3 PSP.
Последний раз редактировалось Orpheus; 20.08.2007 в 19:59.
20.08.2007, 21:24
Сообщение: #19 (497122)
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first thank M33 i realy like you CFW
bur in the last version i have 2 (importent for me) bugs:
-the first if i use the vshmenu after my reboot prx that replace the Network-update don't work.
-the next is the vshmenu, some times the menu has speed rushes an the settings can be done.
the 2 bugs came often but not all the time.
20.08.2007, 21:33
Сообщение: #20 (497124)
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I am not sure if this is actually a bug but since everyone here seems to be talking about UMD Video Support I thought I would bring this up. Since the update to 3.52M33-3 iRShell3.6 crashes when you actually try to run the ISO/CSO from Directory mode, I have no problems connecting to my pc via nethostfs at all, only when I try to run one of my backups does it crash! (well it freezes in fact) Tried format flash1 and reset settings, to no avail. Tried disabling new VSH feature in Recovery, no difference, still freezes then shuts down PSP. Is it possible that the new driver (if thats what it is) for UMD video somehow conflicts with ISO loading under iRShell? I know this is a homebrew app that is not developed by M33 but I did hear they had conferred with AhMan on iRShell 3.61 is that correct? I hope this can be fixed, until then, I will reflash 3.52M33-2 as I just love my backup images over wireless. Thanks for the great work M33 Team, my backup of Alien Vs Predator R2 launched and played back perfectly! Cheers 
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