3.52 M33-3 Bug Report
Hi Team M33,
First of all, congrats on this fabulous firmware, good job reversing Alex's Job.
I'm trying to be useful and report the bugs and missing stuff I find in this firmware. Of course, fixing them is totally up to you.
A bug I reported a while back, where you guys said you will check. But I guess you never got around to doing so =)
XMB --> Settings --> System Settings --> UMD Auto start
when this option is set to on (while having a UMD inserted) the PSP wont boot to the game.
in other terms, do the steps above, turn of your psp, turn it on again and it you will get a black screen after the gameboot (the psp logo)
Others have confirmed this bug as well.
Suggestion: any possibility of modifying pspbtcnf.bin? As they were only txt files in previous firmwares..
Edit: I found out that zinga burger made a program to modify this. I'll leave it as a suggestion though..
Sorry for my English in case there are some mistake, I learned it as a second language =)
Thanks again =)
Последний раз редактировалось Madridi4ever; 21.08.2007 в 16:02.