CFW of my psp1000 is 660 pro-c: 3, system language is Simplified Chinese,Character Set is Simplified Chinese GBK (936).
When I use 'freecheat' plugin to browse any Chinese named file, it always displays garbled code.
I don't know why I can't upload images.
psp/iso/Valkyrie Profile.iso is fine,but when the Valkyrie Profile.iso renamed 北欧女神.iso, I use 'freecheat' plugin to browse it.
it will could be display げ北s瑰.iso like this.
I can still run it.
just in the FreeCheat garbled code named file, It bothers me.
the plugin download from
I'm Chinese, my English is terrible,sorry
I tried CFW 661proc3 660proc2 660promodc:2.
Please help me T___________________________T guys,don't del this topic