We just got a very exciting email this morning from anon0 (not to be confused with anonymous group). The email sums up what this leak was very well:
To quote:
Hello PS3 Scene, this is another anonymous leak!
I would like to be called: anon0 to prevent confusion with all the other ‘anonymous’ members
2 months ago, a CEX-to-DEX came out which needed the request-idps.txt
It was all accomplished by .SIG files and ObjectiveSuites, they are encrypted files which carry out specific commands to the PS3
We are now bringing THREE new .SIG files which can be used with 3.73 FW to carry out certain ‘tasks’
Figure what it can do by yourself… And samples of many files can be found there which can aid in 3.73 getting hacked…
To use ObjSuites: Put PS3 in service mode, connect PS3 to PC by ethernet cable, IP Address to
Copy files from objcon to root of your usb drive
Start ObjectiveSuites, then power the PS3
All info necessary will be in the temp folder in objectivesuites…
This is a part-of-the-equation of hacking the 3.73
Some notes: I can guarantee something: There are many exploits present when ObjSuites connects to PS3, it forms a trusting bond… ObjSuites gets LV0/LV1 access
Use this with care…
I also bring more detail from an0n, the leaker himself bringing more information and clarification on this leak:
10:44 anonym0us – Okay
10:44 anonym0us – let me explain
10:44 anonym0us – ObjectiveSuites is used in combination with a jig
10:45 anonym0us – It allows more things to be done while PS3 is in service mode
10:45 anonym0us – something like 2 months ago
10:45 anonym0us – There was a leak
10:45 anonym0us – that allowed Retail->Debug
10:45 anonym0us – but it required a person getting request_idps.txt
10:45 anonym0us – from Sony
10:45 anonym0us – It was accomplished by a .SIG file
10:46 anonym0us – .SIG files carry out commands to the PS3
10:46 anonym0us – So
10:46 anonym0us – I got hands on 3 more .SIG files
10:46 anonym0us – Which report all kinds of things about the PS3
10:46 anonym0us – But, there is another thing
10:46 anonym0us – When ObjSuites is used with the PS3 in service mode
10:46 anonym0us – We can exploit the PS3
10:47 anonym0us – Sony never bothered fixing bugs between the ObjSuites-PS3 connection
10:47 anonym0us – Reason?
10:47 anonym0us – The original ObjSuites required a membership to SCEDevNet
10:48 anonym0us – this is cracked
10:48 anonym0us – So
10:48 anonym0us – yeha
10:48 anonym0us – yeah
10:48 anonym0us – thats pretty much it
10:48 anonym0us – When PS3 connects to ObjSuites
10:48 anonym0us – you get LV0/LV1 access
10:48 anonym0us – you get LV0/LV1 access
10:48 anonym0us – So with a bit of tinkering
10:48 anonym0us – You can be sure that you can get the PS3 to do what you want ot
10:48 anonym0us – to*
10:48 anonym0us – And thats pretty much it
Now an0n is claiming that these tools can lead to the holy grail of CFW (which seems to be at version 3.7x currently). Please keep in mind these tools are really only for devs/experienced users and not knowing what you are doing can result in a PS3 brick.
Download Links provided (download n mirror before they are gone!):
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