Pandora (unbricker/downgrader) for PSP-200X TA-088v3
Service Kit and MSID Dumper:
Structure folders in first archive:- Extracted Files Original - all files from original JigKick Card.
- MSID 512mb Original - dump MSPro ID from original JigKick card.
- Original Dump MS - full dump Service Card.
- Write IPL to MS - tool for writing ipl in MemoryStick™.
How to do your own magic Service Card:- Firstly you need not original MemoryStick™ PRO DUO (from our china friends, cards w/o MagicGate). Usually it's an 512 Mb, 2 Gb or 4 Gb models.
- Original Sony MemoryStick™ PRO DUO are not supported ('cause we have no datasheets/programmers for it).
- Download "MSID Dumper", insert MemoryStick™ in PSP and launch programm. Write on paper Serial Number and MSProID.
- Remove the back shell of the MS using a knife (scalpel).
- Extract internal board (with NAND) from case.
- Unsold NAND microchip from card. [Some hardware magic!]
- Insert NAND in NAND Flash TSOP-48 programmer:
- Install programmer software (Supplied with programmer).
- Connect programmer to PC.
- Dump part NAND with MSID (MemoryStick™ ID). If you dump not access part, dump other part...
- Open NAND by HEX Editor and search HEX points: 204D5350534E5930.
- If you not found this points, dump other list.
- Correct msid from dump: 204D5350534E593000788884C6AA0000. Fat text-found points in dump (up items).
- After correct msid, save file and writing dump in NAND.
- Sold NAND in card and insert card in case.
- Format card in PSP.
- From folder "Write IPL to MS" launch "install_psp_ms_multi_loader_ipl.cmd"
- Connect PSP to PC.
- Press "Y".
- If print "Write MS BOOT CODE" - IPL writing access.
- If print "Canceled" - you press not correct pad.
- If print "Check free reserved sector : to small reserved sectors" - using mspformat.exe.
- Open MemoryStick™ by HEX editor. Veryfying installed IPL from 16 sector.
- From folder "Extracted Files Original" copy all files in MemoryStick™.
- Complete!
P.S. I`m translate The original theme in Russian by ErikPshat... Thanks vit9696. Sorry for my bad english...
Последний раз редактировалось ErikPshat; 01.02.2013 в 04:45.