System Update on Thursday, 20th November
Note: Users will not be able to access to PlayStation®Home from 16:00 today to tomorrow morning due to system update. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Major updates include the following:
■New location in the XMB™
When you start PlayStation®Home from [Game] on the XMB™, software updating will be started automatically. When update completes, the icon of PlayStation®Home will be removed from [Game] on the XMB™ and relocated to [PlayStation®Network].
■ Becoming a Pan-Asia Online Space
Before this update, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore are having their own PlayStation®Home. Now, they are sharing one single space together! Users from these three regions can enter into the same space and enjoy the fun of PlayStation®Home with each other.
■ Opening of Home Cafe
Home Café will be open with this update. Different kinds of events are under preparation and will be held here.
■ Additional / Revamped Features
● The virtual PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable) has turned into the Menu Pad.
● "My Home Sapce" is now called "Personal Space".
● “Market Place” is now called “Shopping Mall".
● Users have to set up their PlayStation®Network wallet before purchasing any item in “Shopping Mall”.
● “Online Manual” is added in the “Help” menu. You can read detailed user guide from the browser.
● Tutorial is added.
● Club feature is added.
A club is an organization for users that share the same objectives.
・You have to purchase a club before using it. But during Closed Beta test you can use it for free.
・Each user account can only create one club.
・The maximum number of members for each club is 32, including the creator.
・The maximum number of clubs each user can join is 5, including the one created by that user.
Note: if you have joined 5 clubs already, then you cannot create your own club.
※ To learn more about how to create a club, please refer to Menu Pad > “Help” > “Clubs”.
※ You have to set up your PlayStation®Network wallet before purchasing a club.
※ Club is a service that requires regular payment. During Closed Beta test users can enjoy this service free of charge.
● Clubhouse feature is added.
Clubhouse is a private place for members of a club to gather around. Even users that are not added to your Friends List can request to join or get invited.
・The maximum number of members to enter a clubhouse at the same time is 32, including the creator.
※ Users that are not members of the club will not be able to enter the associated clubhouse.
・You can add furniture to the clubhouse.
・Bulletin Board is available in the clubhouse.
Only the leader (owner of the clubhouse) or subleaders (assigned by the leader) can post messages on the board.
Maximum number of messages to be posted at the same time is 4.
※ Note: all the clubs and clubhouses will be deleted at the end of Closed Beta test.
● Some gestures are changed.
● Some screens in the Wardrobe are changed.
● Steps to exit Wardrobe are changed as follows:
Press the × button to display the exit screen, then select “Exit Wardrobe”.
● Log-in screen is changed.
● Background download is now available for space download.
● You can now view the “Session List” to check game sessions that are available in your current location.
You can join the game from the Session List.
● You will be automatically signed out if you have been inactive for a set period of time.
● You can see the avatar motion when playing bowling.
● Power gauge is shown when playing pool.
■ Special arrangement for previously purchased items in Market Place (Shopping Mall)
Due to revamp to the item management system, this service will now be linked with PlayStation®Network wallet. All the items you have purchased in Shopping Mall will be deleted temporarily and the shopping feature will be out of service after the update on the 20th of November. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Items will be available in the Shopping Mall again in the future and details will be announced in the official website.
Rewards obtained before and default items will not be deleted.
※ You have to set up your PlayStation®Network wallet before purchasing items in the Shopping Mall. Please refer to the PS3™ online manual for details on the PlayStation®Network wallet.
Please note that the following Club features cannot function properly:
●When the subleader of a club select “Resign”, an error message will be displayed and the user will not be able to resign.
A subleader must be demoted by the leader first before he / she can resign from the club.
●If you stay in a clubhouse for a long period of time, your club menu may not be able to refreshed to reflect the latest information. In this case, “List is empty” may be displayed when you select “My Clubs” in your club menu even though you are already a club member.
※ This problem will be solved when you log in to PlayStation®Home again.
These problems will be fixed in the future. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Последний раз редактировалось genso; 20.11.2008 в 17:42.