puksa, EDE (
Equinox Desktop Environment) - графическая оболочка для линуха, при создании которой прежде всего ставилась задача занять как можно меньше ресурсов.
Цитата с офф.сайта:
Features and support
- desktop with icons and wallpaper;
- Xft font anti-aliasing;
- taskbar with configurable menu, cpu status, easy keyboard switching;
- theming;
- localization;
- etc.
Graphical front-end for:
- xscreensaver configuration;
- software installation (.rpm, .deb, .tgz);
- time and time-zone configuration;
- fast file and directory search utility;
- etc.
- usual build tools (gcc, automake, autoconf, etc... - you should not worry about this, this comes with your distribution);
- eFLTK, a modified FLTK version;
- small amount of your nerves;
- coffee and cigars for enjoying