3.71 M33 by M33=Dark_AleX
In order to install 3.71 M33 Firmware you will need the following:
- Either a PSP-100* console (AKA *Fat PSP) running either 3.52 M33-3 or 3.52 M33-4 (Previous versions of M33 won't work, due to a bug that affects them and OE) or a PSP-200* (AKA Slim PSP) running 3.60-M33.
- 3.71 M33 (MIRROR#1 - MIRROR#2) by M33=Dark_AleX
- Official SONY v3.71 Firmware Update EBOOT. Download it from PSP-Hacks.Com [RAR format]
- Official SONY v1.50 Firmware Update EBOOT. This one will ONLY be required if you want to install the 1.50 Kernel compatibility, which is useful ONLY to Classic (Fat) PSPs. If you have a Slim DO NOT even try installing it, it won´t work. Download it from QJ-Net [ZIP Format] or from PSP-Hacks.Com [ZIP Format].
Precautions/Suggestions before you start
- Ensure the memory stick used for the upgrade/downgrade process is in good shape. This means it's got no bad sectors that may result in failed CRC checksums for the files contained in it.
- Normally if your Memory Stick is legitimate you should not have any problems. Many people have experienced semibricks / bricks due to cheap fake and unreliable memory sticks sold on eBay. As a suggestion I recommend you either use the original 1GB memory card bundled originally with your PSP or find out whether your memory stick is legitimate or not before attempting the process.
- A good practice would be formatting the Memory Stick prior to the downgrade (Remember to back your important files up before you do that) and use any error-checking utility to scan the Memory Stick for failures.
- Alternatively you can use a CRC checksum utility (SFV, MD5SUM...) to verify that the data copied onto your memory stick is consistent with the original.
- Charge your battery to its maximum capacity in advance and leave the PSP plugged to the mains during the upgrade/downgrade process.
- During the upgrade/downgrade process, once the files have started being copied to the flash memory you MUST not be reboot your PSP manually, or turn it off, or the remove the Memory Stick until the flashing process has finished, or otherwise your PSP will end up bricked.
- If you are installing either the 3.71 M33 CFW or any of the UPDATE files in a Fat PSP, ensure you have configured in the Recovery Menu of the PSP the GAME folder to run in the 3.XX kernel mode, or otherwise the installer will refuse to run.
1.- Download the 3.71 M33 by M33=Dark_AleX from any of the above link. Uncompress the contents of the downloaded "
release.rar" file (The name may differ is you got it from any of the mirrors) into a handy location of your HD. Browse the uncompressed contents in your HD, and you will see a folder called
2.- Connect your PSP to your PC via USB cable and enable the USB Mode on your PSP.
3.- From your Operative System, go to the directory
<pspdrive>:/PSP/GAME located in your memory stick.
4.- Copy the
UPDATE folder and its contents, into the folder
<pspdrive>:/PSP/GAME of your Memory Stick.
5.- Download the 3.71 Official SONY Update File from the download link above. Make sure you select a handy location in your Hard Disk where you can find easily it later on, i.e. Your Windows Desktop. The Update EBOOT.PBP file will be packed in RAR Format and you might need some additional software to uncompress the file (for instance WinRAR). Uncompress the RAR file, and you should en up with a uncompressed file named
EBOOT.PBP. This is the uncompressed Firmware Update file. Keep the file in a handy location easy to find in your HD.
6.- Rename the file
7.- Copy the file
371.PBP to the folder
<pspdrive>:/PSP/GAME/UPDATE of your Memory Stick.
* *
Note: The program will not even show in the PSP if you copy it to a different folder than that one.
8.- Disable the USB Mode safely and disconnect the PSP from the PC.
9.- In the PSP's XMB Menu, goto "Game" -> "Memory Stick"
10.- Highlight the 3.71 M33 installer and press the X button to execute the program which will require al least 78% of battery. If you have idstorage corrupted due to a downgrader, the program *will ask you to correct it automatically so the update can continue.
11.- Press X, and the Sony updater will begin. Sit and enjoy while Sony code installs 3.71 M33
12.- When finished, the updater will ask you to reboot (pressing X or O). DO SO. Do not skip this step by shutting down the PSP using the On/Off Switch or otherwise you'll end up with a brick.
13.- Restart your PSP. Check your PSP Settigs Menu (Settings -> System Settings -> System Information). You should be now in 3.71 M33
Installing the latest bugfix patch
Currently the latest patch is the
UPDATE #4. Your PSP must be running 3.71 M33-1, M33-2 or M33-3 already prior to the installation of this patch. These update patches usually correct bugs identified by users, hence it´s strongly recommended to apply them. They are also cumulative, meaning that the update 4 will contain the bugfixes fromt he Updates 2 and 3 as well, hence no need to install every single one of them in order, just grab the latest and that´s it.
1.- Download the
2.- Uncompress the contents of the "
m33update4.zip" file into a handy location your HD. Browse the uncompressed contents in your HD, and you will see a folder called
3.- Connect your PSP to your PC via USB cable and enable the USB Mode on your PSP.
4.- From your Operative System, go to the directory
<pspdrive>:/PSP/GAME located in your memory stick.
5.- Copy the
UPDATE folder and its contents, into the folder
<pspdrive>:/PSP/GAME of your Memory Stick. If it asks you to overwrite any files, confirm with "Yes".
6.- Disable the USB Mode safely and disconnect the PSP from the PC.
7.- In the PSP's XMB Menu, goto "Game" -> "Memory Stick"
8.- Highlight the M33 Updater and press X button to execute the program.
9.- Press X, and the Update will be installed.
10.- Check your PSP Settigs Menu (Settings -> System Settings -> System Information). You should be now in 3.71 M33-4
Installing the 1.50 Kernel compatibility (FOR FAT PSPs ONLY)
Since the Slim PSP is not compatible with 1.50 Kernel the main CFW installer will not install 1.50 Kernel anymore. Nevertheless a 1.50 Kernel addon for 3.71 M33 is available to add this capability (but for Fat PSPs ONLY). Therefore if you have a Slim PSP you must skip this section.
Note: This update is totaly independent of the 3.71 M33 version installed (1, 2, or future ones), and also independent of previous 1.50 kernel addon installed or not.
1.- Download the
1.50 Kernel AddOn v2.
2.- Uncompress the contentes of the "
150kernel_addon2.rar" file into a handy location your HD. Browse the uncompressed contents in your HD, and you will see a folder called
3.- Connect your PSP to your PC via USB cable and enable the USB Mode on your PSP.
4.- From your Operative System, go to the directory
<pspdrive>:/PSP/GAME located in your memory stick.
5.- Copy the
UPDATE folder and its contents, into the folder
<pspdrive>:/PSP/GAME of your Memory Stick. If it asks you to overwrite any files, confirm with "Yes".
7.- Download the 1.50 Official SONY Update File from any of the download links above. Unzip the 1.50 update to a temporary folder. Rename the unzipped 1.50
EBOOT.PBP file to
150.PBP. Then copy it into the root of your Memory Stick.
8.- Disable the USB Mode safely and disconnect the PSP from the PC.
9.- In the PSP's XMB Menu, goto "Game" -> "Memory Stick"
10.- Highlight the 1.50 Kernel Installer and press X button to execute the program.
11.- Press X, and the Update will be installed.
12.- Your fat PSP will now be able to execute homebrew applications based in 1.50 Kernel. (Remember that by default all 1.50 Kernel Homebrew should be installed in the
<pspdrive>:/PSP/GAME150/ folder).
Changes in 3.71 M33
--------------------- Now uses 3.71
- VSH Menu is not longer launched using HOME key, but using SELECT now. This is to not interfere with the XMB function of home, which is now more useful in this firmware.
- Psp Slim: umdcache was allocating memory even when homebrew was launched, wasting memory that homebrew programs may want to use. Now umdcache module is stopped before it can allocate any memory, only in the case homebrew is launched.
- Also, memory is unprotected for user memory usage by M33 core (only when homebrew is launched). Developer, for a sample of how to use the extra memory, see the extra RAM sample of the M33 sdk
- Both version boot now from 3.XX ipl, and are independent of 1.50. The main installer will not install 1.50 kernel anymore. A 1.50 kernel addon for 3.71 M33 that will install inside 3.71 M33 will be released in a *few days (for fat PSPonly)
- Due to some changes in kernel nids by Sony, you can expect a lot of kernel plugins not working anymore.
- Programmers: Refer to the sdk readme for details.
Update 2 - Changelog- There was a bug that caused corruption when writing files of more than 32256 bytes using usb flash. The bug has been corrected, and now the implementation is as reliable as it was when it was based on 1.50 kernel. *(tested with a full restauration of a dump).
- Psp Slim: a functionality to let the charge of battery when connecting a usb cable has been added. This feature is based on Noobz plugin code. *By default is not enabled, you can enable it in recovery. *Note that the charge of battery may be delayed some seconds since the moment you plug the cable.
- After installing this update, program at /PSP/GAME/UPDATE will always be executed on 3.71 kernel, despite configuration.
- VSHMenu: vshmenu will not be executed when onscreen keyboard is active, to avoid the lost of *the select button function in the keyboard. *An option to reset the psp has been added.
- VSH plugins are not longer executed anymore in recovery mode, that was the cause of pseudo-bricks.
Update 3 - Changelog- Fixed a bug in access to flash by usb.
- HEN core: kernel prx's with syscall exports work again.
- PSP Slim: programmers can set the size of user memory to 52 MB by using a sfo flag. Check sample in sdk for usage.
- March33 NO-UMD driver: *Fixed a bug that could hang the psp when exiting with home. *Fixed compatibility issue with Castlevania Dracula X Chronicles, and maybe more games.
- Vshmenu: it wasn't displaying properly with psp slim TV-OUT due to the change of resolution. Fixed.
Update 4 - Changelog- Bugfix: Multidisc PSX games bought in the PSN store would not work due to the format being different and M33 treating them as decrypted games.
- Added support for decrypted multidisc PSX games created with popstation_md (supplied with this release).
- Included in the package is a new version of popsloader. Changelog in popsloader:
- - Bugfix: Games without compression had sound issues when using 3.72 pops. Fixed.
- - Added support for multidisc PSX games created with popstation_md. Note: multi disc games will only work in 3.71 and 3.72 pops. Previous pops will exit to the XMB with generic error 0x80000004 when attempting to run multidisc games.
Basically these are the Original CFW/UPDATE/150 ADDON Instructions from the ReadMe.txt with a few additions / changes to make it more understandable.
If you have read the instructions but you are still having trouble to get the CFW installed working, we suggest that you reply to this topic with the question(s) that you may have rather than starting a new topic/thread instead. *We'll try to help *

Hopefully this guide will stop unnecessary threads from people asking the same questions again and again.
It goes without saying that any replies asking or discussing about ISO capabilities of any sort will be automatically deleted. O:-)
Credits to: