Ok, here goes:
After visiting
http://m-33.narod.ru and reading it about 1000 times before believing what i was seeing.
Team M33 == Dark_AleX?!
Having read what you have have said about the scene, and how this is going to be your penultimate release I have this to add, and I am sure I speak for the entire scene when I say this:
Dark_AleX(Team M33), you are the stuff of modern day legend, it takes a heroto use your knowledge in a selfless act to better the world, albeit one small part at a time. It is your efforts and your heroism, like many others in different ways to inspire people and what little you may think you do, you have the power to change lives.
I see the way the world is going, growing up in this century, I am now studying Electronic Engineering and Computer Science and god willing, i will be able to make my own contribution to maybe not the PSP scene, but something similar in the future with what knowledge I hopefully will gain in the future and have gained from the PSP scene thus far.
I respect you for all you have done, in the face of danger, selfishness, and betrayal.
What we need now is for the scene to release something we can add to our PSP's to set them apart, show our respect to Dark_AleX(M33), maybe a custom about screen, or something similar.
Whether they care or not about the "fans" you have our respect, and our praise, and it is grately deserved.
I am a long way off from ever being as skilled as you and may never be, but I aspire to help the world in a small way like you have.
Alas, I am not a doctor, I can not save lives, but i wish to do my part, and this is one thing within my grasp and I have now a goal.
It is a shame there are so many out there that do not appreciate your work and the work of others in the scene and merely wish to gain personally. I hope here that I may show that hte scene is not all corrupt and your efforts were not misplaced.
Finally, I would like to end by saying

, from the scene as a whole, as a "fan" and that I wish you the best of luck in your future, and please enjoy your life in the knowledge that you have bettered the lives of others in some small way, every little thing counts, and it should be and is appreciated.
M33 == Dark_AleX == Legend.