The offical Sony Firmware is now at 3.71 for PSP Fat. So would it be possible to make a new update of M33?
Also make it a Easy Installer .exe file this time, because they are a quick way to upgrade and so far all of the 3 OE-A/M33 Easy Installers that I have downloaded so far didn't brick whatsoever, so I think that they are the way forwards for all offical M33 updates from now on.
Yeah, bottom line. I've had absoutely now problems with my PSP using any of the unoffical Easy Installers so getting them offically instead of the brick likely Zip Folders would be great, because all I'll have to do is click on my PSP drive and all of the files are put in the right places for installing.
So yeah that is truely the way forwards of Custom Firmware upgrading when you're already on an M33 Firmware.
Последний раз редактировалось Evolution 619; 17.09.2007 в 21:12.