yeah i was wondering that im choosen one, just like jesus or neo who have this error))) but seems that its common error and im not choosen one)))... dont know what caused it but for me restoring from eeprom dont work, so i just used Restore normal battery and my battery become normal again.... after that i fully bricked my psp by installing one superb theme (not even recovery work)... and unfortunatly my battery now in normal state, also now is deep night here so im stuck here for day or two with BLACK SCREEN enabled psp (((.... tomorrow gonna look for some OE\M33\1.5 owner 2 run Batter maker on it... fuck i need 2 remeber 2 enable service mode next time on my battery before i will mess with firmware... damn it!
добавлено через 5 минут
also strange thing that NAND backup that i made cant be restored for some unknown reason, it just said cannot open nand backup (i checked it on pc, file exist, and its not dummy) i was forced 2 install 1.5 firmware (if only nand restore may work fine 4 me it could save me extra 30 minutes)
добавлено через 2 минуты
btw i have same battery, maybe this error may not appear on other psp or battery. but we should notice Noobz n c+d about that issues
Последний раз редактировалось Voodooman; 29.08.2007 в 04:35.
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