holly makaroni!
awesome stuff, i never doubt in C+D and Noobz crew!
After M33 3.52 update 4 (that file was sent 2 me by my friend via ICQ, i didint knew that this module was fucking modified by someone, after i installed it i have a brick, well if only Recovery can work it might be semi-brick, but recovery was fucked 2)...
well after it screwed up my primary black pre TA-82 psp, i bought myself new
http://gamepark.ru/psp/playstation_p..._sony_eur.html silver psp, and seems that local retailers was forced by sony to install latest firmware (or something like that... im not sure that this unit so "fresh", latest as i know 1010)... well by default it was 3.52, i was hoping 2 find lumines and try 2 downgrade it but no luck in search and as i know there is no discovered way 2 downgrade 3.52 (official)... until few days back)))
Few days ago i checked qj and noobz site and found this pandora box... well i was wondered that usual battery have eeprom with microfirmware.... (week ago one on M33 members gave me his "sorry about brick" via pm and told me 2 ask some guy in london or uk, for that "magic" batter to unbrick m33 u4 bricked psp... but i didnt expected i can made my own "magic" battery)
... Well, when i found pandora`s box, it was not a big deal 2 find some local friend with homebrew enabled psp. Then i prepared memorystick and my battery - i did all the things described in readme, and unbricked my old 1004 psp black unit. After that i have nothing t lose and decide 2 try in on my brand new silver psp with official 3.52.... tada!!! it was downgraded !!!! after that i sold this new silver PSP to one guy
(i dont need it anymore, im happy with my old 1004 black one and me and my money waiting for shiny new slim units for region 2 (eu)... by the way, if sony will not "block" this service mode or change the way it works in new slim units then "pandora box" possibly may downgrade any slim unit)
Also i forget to mention that Battery maker tool from pandora pack can backup and restore original EEPROM from battery, so dont worry, any battery can be reconverted to normal state (its just matter of few seconds) if u have custom or 1.5 official firmware and prepared memory stick.
So realy u dont need 2 have 2 batteries!!!
Just dont forget to backup original battery EEPROM when u will transform in service battery, after that u can run again this tool and transfrom it into normal battery just in 20 seconds (u need remove your service battery and boot homebrew enabled psp with psp charger, then while u will c normal XMB menu plug your service battery and then run again Pandora`s battery creator. In this
tool press L+R to restore backuped EEPROM of your battery.... also u can try [] button (only if u didnt do backup) ... but i didnt checked this way, it may work on every battery, but if your battery have some differend eeprom then it may be screwed up... so safest way is backup\restore original eeprom.
btw if someone need 2 unbrick or 2 downgrade psp for free (fuck that jerks who asking money for such things)... or maybe just for cup of some good drink without alcohol))) , PM me if u r from Moscow, Russia or u r planing 2 visit or already visiting Moscow.
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here is a good guide about all the pandora related stuff