Ok, that should keep you absolute safe ^^
Its a good thing that you cant grab the ps3**** update anymore xD
here are the settings wich i have no problem with running my Backups
Skip Sony Logo: enabled
Hide corupt Icons: Enabled
Game folder Hoomebrew: 1.50 Kernel
Autorun: Disabled
UMD Mode: M33 -No UMD- (but i have a game inserted)
Fake Region: Disabled
Free UMD Region: Enabled
Hard reset on homebrew: Disabled
Use VSH: Enabled
XMB USB Device: Memmory Stick
Plain Modules: Disabled
Execute BOOT.BIN: Disabled
CPU Speed:
Both 333
Plugins: Only CWCHEAT 1.9 [GAME] enabled.
I have a Custom theme (Wave, XMB Icons, Battery icon, Speaker volume, Game Boot and Font)
(i would reccomend to disable all plugins for the downgrade and a not modifyed theme if you have a custom theme)