Have you ever dissasembled your PSP? There's no way dust can cause display malfunction and/or no ISO loading. I've pressed the display a bit too hard(it can be seen when viewed in angle that there's a pixel stress if I may translate it that way into english(it looks like there's a pit or simply a circle of pixels look dimmer when viewed in angle and in this circle are the stuck pixels too). So forget about the display, it's not a big deal(when the teme is green, red, orange, anything but blue the bixels are not red but very very dimm orange wich even on white background doesn't seem to be easly seen). Please tell me how do I reflash my CFW? Do I have to go way back to 1.50 to do it or can I simply flash the 3.52 over the 3.52-4 and then flash the 3.52-4 update too? I'll be very thankfull if you tell me what settings should be Enabled or Disabled in my Recovery Menu(I have read that something must be changed in order to play ISO games).
btw I know my MS is not a original Sony's MS but it's a lot cheaper and those fake ones haven't ever been a trouble with SE phones or Sony cameras.