30.12.2017, 13:56
Модель консоли: PSP-1004
Прошивка: 6.60 PROMOD
Другие консоли: iPad 3 WiFi
Регистрация: 18.12.2006
Адрес: Москва
Возраст: 58
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Сила репутации: 10Репутация: 42410 
(репутация неоспорима)
Al-Azif released this 3 hours ago- Added ability to host different exploits
- CLI users can use --exploit to specify exploit to use
- Exploit menu for choosing exploit to host will be shown for double click or if unspecified in CLI
- Includes Specter and IDC exploit in release
- Removed color on IP (Was garbled text on Windows)
- New closer function to display errors vs just quiting for double click
Use release v0.2.3 if you need Python 2 support as it'll be the last Python 2 release.
Make sure to download ps4-exploit-host-v0.3.2.zip not Source code (zip) or Source code (tar.gz)