Сообщение от ErikPshat
Amro, was ist das this Patch - DRIVER_San_Francisco_Patch_(BLES00891) and Prince_of_Persia_The_Forgotten_Sands_Patch_(BLES00839) and Sleeping_Dogs_(BLES01661)
This is official Patch from PSN or Custom Patched Games?
What pirate games do you transfer to PS3 OFW? - First you need to find original games in which all the original files are EBOOT.BIN and other modules SPRX, SELF. These files must not be changed.
- Then you need to find an official PSN patch for these games. If there is no Patch from PSN for the game, then this game will not work on OFW in any way.
- Then you need to convert the game together with the patch with a special converter, following the instructions in the first post of this topic "Step 1".
- After that, you can copy 2 game folders to PS3 CFW and run it there directly from XMB, as if this is an official game from PSN.
- If the game works fine, then you can transfer this game to the PS3 OFW.
Thank you ErikPshat - i did what u have said in ur first post and there are many games are working perfectly about 10 games - but just these 3 games give me black screen - is there any modified on the REBUG 4.81 options to make these 3 games work ?? THANKS alot for your replay