31.12.2013, 15:49
Прошивка: 1xPS3 COBRA CEX-4.53
Другие консоли: 2xPSVITA 3.60 ENSO
Регистрация: 16.01.2008
Адрес: Планета земля
Сообщений: 3,134
Вы сказали Спасибо: 1,092
Поблагодарили 2,765 раз(а) в 1,167 сообщениях
Сила репутации: 1Репутация: 2774 
(репутация неоспорима)
webMAN Version 1.27d
Few minor changes to webMAN:
* Keeping NTFS USB HDDs from entering sleep mode should now work (if you didn't disable USB polling in [Setup]). Drives are checked every 2 mins.
* Titles with dot '.' in their names are displayed properly in the popup when mounted
* Enable/Disable /dev_blind is effective immediately when selected in [Setup], so no need for restart when you want to enable/disable writable /dev_flash
* PSP Launcher shortcut removed from PLAYSTATION(R)PORTABLE section
* Few minor improvements