Beta testing of "Rogero CEX4.21 v1.09"
!!!Beta testing of "Rogero CEX4.21 v1.09"!!!

!!!Rogero ищет бета тестеров!!!
Ok Guys, I think now we are ready for the initial Beta testing of "Rogero CEX4.21 v1.09"
Now it should work fine on those slim machines that bricked with version 1.00 ( all the team testers have it now working fine on their slims that bricked the first time )
Please I need the guys with Flashers installed and willing to test it before the rest of the guys who don't have flashers
Especially those machines that bricked and were recovered, these are the most meant by this test release.
and if all went fine and no more brick reports hopefully, we will have the official release soon.
For the guys willing to test it and are aware of the risks like any CFW test,
Please post here in this thread and not in PM, and i will reply to you in PM with the download link.
Последний раз редактировалось akela1979; 26.10.2012 в 19:26.