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Раздел: For english speaking 29.08.2007, 22:07
Ответов: 25
Просмотров: 14,939
Автор tsekov
OMG man, of course my MS slot is ok, if it was...

OMG man, of course my MS slot is ok, if it was broken and there was a error while saving the file to the MS the PSP would display a fatal error(what's up with that - every single error on the PSP is...
Раздел: For english speaking 29.08.2007, 18:51
Ответов: 25
Просмотров: 14,939
Автор tsekov
My Memory Stick is defective and corrupts files,...

My Memory Stick is defective and corrupts files, that was my problem :D Funny it works like a charm in SE W810i or K750i . But when I throw some mp3's or iso's on it while in the PSP it shows 3Mb/s...
Раздел: For english speaking 29.08.2007, 00:38
Ответов: 25
Просмотров: 14,939
Автор tsekov
You have a game in the PSP? So you too can't run...

You have a game in the PSP? So you too can't run ISO's without a UMD? All I was able to play was that stupid test.cso file with that japanees brakeout-like game :?
Раздел: For english speaking 28.08.2007, 16:38
Ответов: 25
Просмотров: 14,939
Автор tsekov
Just to be shure I'll use a 512Mb original Sony...

Just to be shure I'll use a 512Mb original Sony Memory Stick with Magic Gate support. I'll also flash 3.52 then all the updates 2, 3 and 4, not just 4. I'm hoping that will fix it. Can you tell me...
Раздел: For english speaking 28.08.2007, 14:20
Ответов: 25
Просмотров: 14,939
Автор tsekov
Ok, I'll use Sony's original 3.52 and will...

Ok, I'll use Sony's original 3.52 and will download the 1.50 from http://www.psp-hacks.com/category/43 (looks a bit more safe imho). Does it matter what MS will I use? Can I use my non-MagicGate 2Gb...
Раздел: For english speaking 28.08.2007, 01:59
Ответов: 25
Просмотров: 14,939
Автор tsekov
So you are saying to make my battery to Pandora's...

So you are saying to make my battery to Pandora's one yetagain to flash my console back to 1.50? Hmm, that realy sounds a bit more safer or at least sounds :D I'll do it tomorrow! Can you suggest a...
Раздел: For english speaking 28.08.2007, 00:11
Ответов: 25
Просмотров: 14,939
Автор tsekov
If the display's flat cable wasn't okay the...

If the display's flat cable wasn't okay the display would simply loose sync and output no image at all ;) I'm now more interested in fixing the damned ISO problem since it's a console and there's no...
Раздел: For english speaking 27.08.2007, 22:18
Ответов: 25
Просмотров: 14,939
Автор tsekov
Have you ever dissasembled your PSP? There's no...

Have you ever dissasembled your PSP? There's no way dust can cause display malfunction and/or no ISO loading. I've pressed the display a bit too hard(it can be seen when viewed in angle that there's...
Раздел: For english speaking 27.08.2007, 00:20
Ответов: 25
Просмотров: 14,939
Автор tsekov
I now checked my MemoryStick info on the PSP and...

I now checked my MemoryStick info on the PSP and it said MagicGate: Unknown. Is that bad for the games?

btw on the card it's written "MagicGate"

добавлено через 5 минут
Oh and yes, I've had...
Раздел: For english speaking 26.08.2007, 22:07
Ответов: 25
Просмотров: 14,939
Автор tsekov
It's still the same! MS light isn't blinking at...

It's still the same! MS light isn't blinking at all! It's like it blocks the game or something. But now there's another hardware related problem - while cleaning my LCD I pressed it a bit more(while...
Раздел: For english speaking 26.08.2007, 20:49
Ответов: 25
Просмотров: 14,939
Автор tsekov
ISO games won't load

I am having M33 3.52-4 firmware and every ISO game I have tried has crashed(not the console, just the game itself) while loading(all show blask screen after the Sony logo and only OutRun started and...
Раздел: For english speaking 25.08.2007, 17:32
Ответов: 8
Просмотров: 7,631
Автор tsekov
Ok, 10x a lot! I'll buy me a 2Gb MS Pro DUO today...

Ok, 10x a lot! I'll buy me a 2Gb MS Pro DUO today and hopefully finally fix my dead PSP tomorrow :)
Раздел: For english speaking 25.08.2007, 14:59
Ответов: 8
Просмотров: 7,631
Автор tsekov
Can't I use a 64Mb MemoryStick Pro DUO(from...

Can't I use a 64Mb MemoryStick Pro DUO(from SonyEricsson K750i)?
Раздел: For english speaking 25.08.2007, 01:36
Ответов: 8
Просмотров: 7,631
Автор tsekov
But I dont understand how to install the 3.52-4...

But I dont understand how to install the 3.52-4 patch. I need a step by step guide for the patch, the main part has a tutorial in the archive.

P.S.: Can you please give me links to EBOOT's that...
Раздел: For english speaking 24.08.2007, 22:52
Ответов: 8
Просмотров: 7,631
Автор tsekov
Newbie question: How to install M33's 3.52-4 CFW

My PSP was bricked (by stupid Sony updates in their UMD's) and now I'll use the Pandora battery to unbrick it but I have never installed a custom firmware and I'll be very very thankful to you if you...
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