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Показано с 1 по 7 из 7. На поиск затрачено 0.00 сек. ПОИСК: Сообщения от: Alias_NeO
Раздел: For english speaking 24.09.2007, 04:53
Ответов: 82
Просмотров: 59,430
Автор Alias_NeO

Ok, here goes:

After visiting http://m-33.narod.ru and reading it about 1000 times before believing what i was seeing.

Team M33 == Dark_AleX?!

Having read what you have have said about...
Раздел: For english speaking 23.09.2007, 05:43
Ответов: 73
Просмотров: 45,906
Автор Alias_NeO

And the world pays comedians for this kind of a laugh. who needs comedian when I can come here and laugh for free.

Kudos to M33. Keep up the good work, and I look forward to what ever you wish to...
Раздел: For english speaking 21.08.2007, 23:11
Ответов: 4
Просмотров: 5,658
Автор Alias_NeO

Thanks, I'll make sure I keep backups in the future.
Раздел: For english speaking 21.08.2007, 20:03
Ответов: 82
Просмотров: 57,580
Автор Alias_NeO

Just a request, I think we should have a N00b and a 1337 (sorry for the stupid leet speak) modes:

Basically, in N00b mode all access to flash (especially from the XMB) should be hidden

Раздел: For english speaking 21.08.2007, 19:41
Ответов: 4
Просмотров: 5,658
Автор Alias_NeO

Ok, I will make sure for future. So, for present, assuming I didn't keep an unmodified backup of my flash0 what are my options?
Раздел: For english speaking 21.08.2007, 19:29
Ответов: 4
Просмотров: 5,658
Автор Alias_NeO
Quick question on FW installs/updates/downgrades.

Hey guys, I have a quick question, It's not entirely relevent to your firmware in particular but since I run your very nice firmware (thank you for all your work guys) I will ask here.

Раздел: For english speaking 19.08.2007, 22:58
Ответов: 24
Просмотров: 12,929
Автор Alias_NeO

I may be wrong here but doesn't the XMB use these files? So surely overwriting them while theyre in use in the XMB it is normal for them to become corrupted?

Also, I have a bug, the Hide Corrupt...
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