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Показано с 1 по 2 из 2. На поиск затрачено 0.00 сек. ПОИСК: Сообщения от: Dany25
Раздел: For english speaking 20.08.2007, 05:46
Ответов: 24
Просмотров: 12,946
Автор Dany25
for the umd movies, u can load any movies that...

for the umd movies, u can load any movies that requires higher firmware, from any region...i just dumped my Underworld Revolution umd (fw 2.60) with the included dump method (usb devices set as the...
Раздел: For english speaking 19.08.2007, 02:09
Ответов: 6
Просмотров: 12,994
Автор Dany25
not true

thats not true, even if the psp is also hardware coded for the video umd/region, a well programmed program can bypass the region check when u load the umd movie iso...remember umdemu v0.8c?? there...
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