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Показано с 1 по 8 из 8. На поиск затрачено 0.00 сек. ПОИСК: Сообщения от: RomRuto
Раздел: For english speaking 04.09.2007, 02:22
Ответов: 82
Просмотров: 57,606
Автор RomRuto
Восклицание mount PSP via PC!! and fix the UMD Video Region...

mount PSP via PC!! and fix the UMD Video Region Hack... Now that would be AWESOME!!

Раздел: For english speaking 21.08.2007, 07:49
Ответов: 56
Просмотров: 73,265
Автор RomRuto
Хорошо Hello HM33, I put your CFW on my website :good: ...

Hello HM33, I put your CFW on my website :good:


heh I'm a fan of your work and would like to thank you for the 3.11 pops to work!! your...
Раздел: For english speaking 21.08.2007, 05:19
Ответов: 56
Просмотров: 73,265
Автор RomRuto
darn, im using this new update but when i used...

darn, im using this new update but when i used the pops 3.11 and load up Ehrgiez (USA) it freezes on me. I dont even have any savedata of it... :aikido:
Раздел: For english speaking 19.08.2007, 19:11
Ответов: 95
Просмотров: 56,593
Автор RomRuto
@uncertaingod thanks, u made everything...


thanks, u made everything easier to understand :]

Also, is there a way this new update can RUN ISO to play off of my PC?
Раздел: For english speaking 19.08.2007, 18:22
Ответов: 95
Просмотров: 56,593
Автор RomRuto
1) Can someone tell me what Flash 3 and 4 folders...

1) Can someone tell me what Flash 3 and 4 folders is actually for and what they do?
2) I heard I can DUMP my UMD isos using this new UPDATE, how?
3) I don't get the part about the pops Saves,...
Раздел: For english speaking 08.08.2007, 17:11
Ответов: 6
Просмотров: 6,729
Автор RomRuto
i recommend u install both.

i recommend u install both.
Раздел: For english speaking 08.08.2007, 13:55
Ответов: 6
Просмотров: 6,729
Автор RomRuto
It's been made already and can be found on my...

It's been made already and can be found on my website:
and also, I didn't make this add-on...


XMB 3.52 M33*


Раздел: For english speaking 01.08.2007, 11:48
Ответов: 31
Просмотров: 20,719
Автор RomRuto
Смех [Request] to M33 Team

3.52 M33 popsloader w/ 3.11 pops

M33 Team, your CFW is AWESOME!!! :yahoo:and thank you!! But I have a favor to ask.... Can you please add this feature where 3.11 pops can be enabled on the...
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