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Показано с 1 по 9 из 9. На поиск затрачено 5.69 сек. ПОИСК: Сообщения от: Suskafi
Раздел: Эмуляторы для PSP 18.09.2021, 22:58
Ответов: 66
Просмотров: 186,656
Автор Suskafi
Hey, I have good news. I finally managed to play...

Hey, I have good news. I finally managed to play with the adhoc. I tried to show it with pictures.

Psp versions:
(top) psp slim 2004 system Software 5.00 m33-7
(below) psp phat 1001 system...
Раздел: Эмуляторы для PSP 14.09.2021, 21:10
Ответов: 66
Просмотров: 186,656
Автор Suskafi
Thank you very much for your quick reply. As...

Thank you very much for your quick reply.
As you said, I updated it to 5.00 m33. Then I installed the 1.50 kernel add-on. And then I threw version (NesterJ 1.20b2) 1.50 into the GAME150 folder. But...
Раздел: Эмуляторы для PSP 14.09.2021, 13:59
Ответов: 66
Просмотров: 186,656
Автор Suskafi
Hello, I have psp 1001 and psp 1004. Trial...

Hello, I have psp 1001 and psp 1004.

Trial 1: psp's versions 1.50 ➡️ Nesterj v1.20 beta 2 did not work. ❌

Trial 2: psp's versions 3.71 m33-2 ➡️ Nesterj v1.20 beta 2 did not work. ❌

Trial 3:...
Раздел: Эмуляторы для PSP 02.09.2021, 16:56
Ответов: 66
Просмотров: 186,656
Автор Suskafi
Is it still not possible to play adhoc games...

Is it still not possible to play adhoc games today? Isn't it possible that these emulators can be developed for adhoc gaming?
Раздел: PSP хакинг и девелопмент 31.08.2021, 15:59
Ответов: 106
Просмотров: 167,121
Автор Suskafi
Thank you for everything. I saved the psp(2004)...

Thank you for everything. I saved the psp(2004) from being bricked by the method on this page: https://www.pspx.ru/forum/showthread.php?p=1241795
Раздел: PSP хакинг и девелопмент 31.08.2021, 15:54
Ответов: 21
Просмотров: 45,636
Автор Suskafi
:thank_you: The process described on this page...

:thank_you: The process described on this page solved my problem. Thank you very much. With this method, psp 2004 got rid of being bricked.
Раздел: PSP хакинг и девелопмент 28.08.2021, 00:02
Ответов: 106
Просмотров: 167,121
Автор Suskafi
Hello, war 6 - - > step 13 : I connect the memory...

Hello, war 6 - - > step 13 : I connect the memory card and "Check free reserved sector: to small reserved sectors" It gives an error as. First try: 4gb memory stick pro duo mark2
Second try: 512mb...
Раздел: PSP хакинг и девелопмент 27.08.2021, 07:31
Ответов: 47
Просмотров: 66,045
Автор Suskafi
Thank you very much for the quick reply. But,...

Thank you very much for the quick reply. But, Although I did all the steps in the same way both on this page and on the page you gave, I still get the same error, unfortunately.

"not enough...
Раздел: PSP хакинг и девелопмент 27.08.2021, 00:02
Ответов: 47
Просмотров: 66,045
Автор Suskafi
I am having the same problem. What is the...

I am having the same problem. What is the solution? Thank you very much for your answer.
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