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Показано с 1 по 5 из 5. На поиск затрачено 0.00 сек. ПОИСК: Сообщения от: CaptSmokey6
Раздел: For english speaking 25.09.2007, 03:54
Ответов: 10
Просмотров: 15,271
Автор CaptSmokey6
oh darn, if i would of known about CFW, i would...

oh darn, if i would of known about CFW, i would of never updeaded to 3.71, but i made the stupid mistake of upgrading, then when i searched the internet for 3rd party software (homebrew), i found out...
Раздел: For english speaking 24.09.2007, 13:49
Ответов: 10
Просмотров: 15,271
Автор CaptSmokey6
i got 3.71 OFW, and i wanna put 3.71CFW, how do i...

i got 3.71 OFW, and i wanna put 3.71CFW, how do i do it without pandora battery?
Раздел: For english speaking 24.09.2007, 09:05
Ответов: 10
Просмотров: 15,271
Автор CaptSmokey6
3.71M33 - Need help.

I have a PSP slim with 3.71OFW, i have no other PSP, and i have no pandora battery/memstick. So i decided to go to Ebay and buy a pandora battey/memstick, but they are too much money, and the cheap...
Раздел: For english speaking 22.09.2007, 12:25
Ответов: 5
Просмотров: 11,971
Автор CaptSmokey6
@anton85: ok, thanks. Although, i am not asking...

@anton85: ok, thanks. Although, i am not asking when it will be released, i am asking if pandora battery is needed or not.

@PokeDad: Thanks for the information.

Where is the so called "Thanks...
Раздел: For english speaking 22.09.2007, 11:09
Ответов: 5
Просмотров: 11,971
Автор CaptSmokey6
Вопрос Installing future 3.71M33 on slim without pandora battery/memstick, possible?

I have a PSP Slim with 3.71 OFW, when the 3.71M33 CFW comes out, will it be released as a fake OFW update or do i have to buy/create a pandora battery/memstick? I am hoping it will be released as a...
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