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jackol 23.09.2007 15:33

Pandora Battery Question
how do you suppose to charge tha pandora battery if every time you insert it in a psp it turns it on.

Jachra 23.09.2007 15:42

Put your PSP on with the normal power adopter and without a battery. When it is on, place the Pandora battery in the PSP.

jackol 23.09.2007 15:55

will it damage or corrupt the battery?

TrueLoonix 23.09.2007 15:58

Nope it wont
If you want you can after inserting the pandora somply swich off your PSP by holding the powerswich for a few seconds.

jackol 23.09.2007 16:00

great. thanks i'm gonna try to make a pandora battery now.

shakal31499 28.08.2008 23:38

Guyes! Just use Recovery Flasher 1.3 without any pandora Bt. Don't wastle your time!

T.I.P. 30.08.2008 18:18

The guy, look date of last message :)

добавлено через 36 секунд
The guy, look date of last message:)

galgarry 09.09.2008 19:40

guyes!!!Please help me to instal a costom FW!!!
I have a pandora battery, 4GB mem card & PSP slim with 4.01 OFW!!!!

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