Pandora Battery Question
how do you suppose to charge tha pandora battery if every time you insert it in a psp it turns it on.
Put your PSP on with the normal power adopter and without a battery. When it is on, place the Pandora battery in the PSP.
will it damage or corrupt the battery?
Nope it wont
If you want you can after inserting the pandora somply swich off your PSP by holding the powerswich for a few seconds. |
great. thanks i'm gonna try to make a pandora battery now.
Guyes! Just use Recovery Flasher 1.3 without any pandora Bt. Don't wastle your time!
The guy, look date of last message :)
добавлено через 36 секунд The guy, look date of last message:) |
guyes!!!Please help me to instal a costom FW!!!
I have a pandora battery, 4GB mem card & PSP slim with 4.01 OFW!!!! HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!! |
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