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tsekov 26.08.2007 20:49

ISO games won't load
I am having M33 3.52-4 firmware and every ISO game I have tried has crashed(not the console, just the game itself) while loading(all show blask screen after the Sony logo and only OutRun started and wnt to PRESS START BUTTON screen but after pressing Start it freezes and when I try to exit the whole console freezes on the Please wait... screen. What settings or something should I do? I am new to all this custom firmware stuff and don't have a clue. From the Recovery menu my UMD settings are set to Sony's no-UMD drivers. I will be very thankfull if you provide me with some other important information for this firmware(currently all I know it can do is playing games, videos, audio and know there are such things as irShell, DevHook, PSX Emulator but don't know from where to get them or how to use them). I don;t have the demo UMD that came with my console no more so I don't have any UMD's. Can I use my console without one?

P.S.: Аз съм българин, ако случайно има някой друг сънародник тук - да пише :bye:

Shadow Hunter 26.08.2007 20:54

try to delete in flash1 , or just format flash1 and reset settings in recovery menu/advanced

tsekov 26.08.2007 22:07

It's still the same! MS light isn't blinking at all! It's like it blocks the game or something. But now there's another hardware related problem - while cleaning my LCD I pressed it a bit more(while showing the black background of the Recovery Menu) and now I have a few stuck pixels(red ones) at my right corner. Do you know a full screen stuck pixel fixing video?

jeffthree 27.08.2007 00:04

the pixel "fixing" videos are just as likely to create more stuck/dead pixels as they are likely to fix stuck ones. unless you had the faceplate off when you were cleaning the LCD (i assume you did not) they you didn't cause the stuck pixels.

As for the ISOs not working, have you tried using a different ISO loader?

tsekov 27.08.2007 00:20

I now checked my MemoryStick info on the PSP and it said MagicGate: Unknown. Is that bad for the games?

btw on the card it's written "MagicGate"

добавлено через 5 минут
Oh and yes, I've had the faceplate removed. There was some dust because I've had it opeden before too(I was going to mount a Devolution flasher but then the Pandora battery thing came and I fixed it today with another PSP creating JigKick Battery or whatever it is called). Tell me from where can I get another loader? If by loader you mean Sony's 9660 or M33 no-UMD, I have tried them boht and still the same thing. I found a test .cso file which is Ok and loads(some japaneese crappy thing).

добавлено через 1 минуту
Oh, and if you can give me a link to a full screen video, I bet it can't get any worse ;) And sorry that I'm writing three posts in a toll but I can't figure from where can I edit my old one :D

ilikeadabox 27.08.2007 01:37

Buddy now i can help U! U have a fake memory stick. where did u buy it???? all sony sticks say MAGICGATE: SUPPORTED

добавлено через 42 секунды
That y games not working

TrueLoonix 27.08.2007 15:53

I dont think so ^^

I have 2 2GB Counterfeit Memmorysticks
and both of them run my backups just fine.

MagicGate is just for DRM protected Audio/Video files (AAC protected)

The best guess i can give is this:
Please try to reflash the CFW Probably something went wrong the last time.
If that does not work... maybe you broke something when you had the PSP disassambled?
Maybe there is some dust at the cable connections causing the stuck pixels and problems with the Mainboard :(

Best luck to you!

tsekov 27.08.2007 22:18

Have you ever dissasembled your PSP? There's no way dust can cause display malfunction and/or no ISO loading. I've pressed the display a bit too hard(it can be seen when viewed in angle that there's a pixel stress if I may translate it that way into english(it looks like there's a pit or simply a circle of pixels look dimmer when viewed in angle and in this circle are the stuck pixels too). So forget about the display, it's not a big deal(when the teme is green, red, orange, anything but blue the bixels are not red but very very dimm orange wich even on white background doesn't seem to be easly seen). Please tell me how do I reflash my CFW? Do I have to go way back to 1.50 to do it or can I simply flash the 3.52 over the 3.52-4 and then flash the 3.52-4 update too? I'll be very thankfull if you tell me what settings should be Enabled or Disabled in my Recovery Menu(I have read that something must be changed in order to play ISO games).

btw I know my MS is not a original Sony's MS but it's a lot cheaper and those fake ones haven't ever been a trouble with SE phones or Sony cameras.

TrueLoonix 27.08.2007 23:37

I personaly did not have to make that move but would recommend to downgrade to 1.50 and then back up to 2.53.
That should be possible via the Recovery function.
(simply put the 1.50 eboot as /PSP/GAME/RECOVERY/EBOOT.PBP)
that should bring you down to 1.50 then you can go back up

I opened my psp twice and had some problems with the flatband cable betwen motherboard and display. but you seem to know your ways aroud the hardware better then me (i wold not dare to try to install a modchip on my own)

tsekov 28.08.2007 00:11

If the display's flat cable wasn't okay the display would simply loose sync and output no image at all ;) I'm now more interested in fixing the damned ISO problem since it's a console and there's no point in having a console that can't play games(even Mario Wars which is a homebrew crashes on loading with a BSOD and I think the other games do the ame but don't provide me with a BSOD and simply freeze with a black screen). So to downgrade to 1.50 I must format my MS and just leave the 1.50 EBOOT? No other files? And that will 100% not brick my PSP? Cuz I don't want to search for a second console again to revive my PSP :| I might be good at hardware but don't know a sh*t about PSP's software and am like a complete noob :D Everything is absolutely new to me! I still can't figure out how to use all the things in the custom FW but am very proud with myself after discoveryng the OSD menu after holding HOME :D which seems to be very usefull for testing ISO compatibility! Please excuse me if I'm getting on your nerves but can you also tell me a good video player for the PSP? It must support Cyrilic Subtitles. I am reading about some PMP format. Is this the best one? And can the build-in player handle it?

10x a lot in advance!

TrueLoonix 28.08.2007 01:22

since you have the chance...
Make yourself a Pandora Battery and a stick ':)

its allways good to have a backup should the flashing fail ;)

its a good idea to format the MS before, maybe you should even use the 'original' one that probably came with the PSP you dont need more then 32 MB for the recovery.

for the Pandora i belive you need more space.

while writing to flash nothing is 100% secure (more 99.9% ;) ).
But using the pandora bypasses the flash ;)

And, i am sorry but i cant reccomend a media player :(
i always loved PSPRadio as a shoutcast player
PMP is very fine but i dont know anything about its subtitle format
PimpStreamer never worked realy good for me but that can be because of my accesspoint.

tsekov 28.08.2007 01:59

So you are saying to make my battery to Pandora's one yetagain to flash my console back to 1.50? Hmm, that realy sounds a bit more safer or at least sounds :D I'll do it tomorrow! Can you suggest a place from where I can download EBOOTs that are 100% okay(maybe my EBOOT files got a bit corrupted while downloading or maybe I have used a wrong 3.52 EBOOT since there was one 20Mb and one 17.5Mb large and I used the 20Mb one because that was Sony's one but the other smaller one was moded by M33 so can you please give me a link to the one that I must use pls).

TrueLoonix 28.08.2007 02:19

that Could be a problem...
I downloaded my versions directly when they came out. but when i guided a friend throu downgrades i recommended this 1.50 download (probably there are thousands of sites, this one dows not allow direct linking)
but that page does not have the 3.52 update so i reccomend the Official 3.52 download

Both my links are for europeam versions of the firmware (i dont know if it matters)

tsekov 28.08.2007 14:20

Ok, I'll use Sony's original 3.52 and will download the 1.50 from (looks a bit more safe imho). Does it matter what MS will I use? Can I use my non-MagicGate 2Gb stick or should I search for a MagicGate-compatible one?

TrueLoonix 28.08.2007 14:29

You dont need a stick with MagicGate,
just one you trust :)

The Custom firmware installer will check the update files for Integrity (an MD5 check i think) so that should not be the problem.

I dont know thou if the finished fused Cusom update is checked again for coruption while writing on the MS so... use one you trust ^^

edit: Maybe its a good idea to test the MS by copying a large .rar archive to it.
rar archives are checked for integrity and Winrar will give you an error message if any data inside the .rar file ot corrupted.
its just an idea, i have not testet this test ^^

tsekov 28.08.2007 16:38

Just to be shure I'll use a 512Mb original Sony Memory Stick with Magic Gate support. I'll also flash 3.52 then all the updates 2, 3 and 4, not just 4. I'm hoping that will fix it. Can you tell me your settings in the Recovery Menu to play ISO files(like no-UMD driver, which kernel do you use, which folder do you place your homebrew in, do you use fake region, I'm interested in ALL the settings in the Recovery Menu because I don't know what are they all about so I can't configure them properly).

TrueLoonix 28.08.2007 17:16

Ok, that should keep you absolute safe ^^
Its a good thing that you cant grab the ps3**** update anymore xD

here are the settings wich i have no problem with running my Backups ;)

Skip Sony Logo: enabled
Hide corupt Icons: Enabled
Game folder Hoomebrew: 1.50 Kernel
Autorun: Disabled
UMD Mode: M33 -No UMD- (but i have a game inserted)
Fake Region: Disabled
Free UMD Region: Enabled
Hard reset on homebrew: Disabled
Use VSH: Enabled
XMB USB Device: Memmory Stick

Plain Modules: Disabled
Execute BOOT.BIN: Disabled

CPU Speed:
Both 333

Plugins: Only CWCHEAT 1.9 [GAME] enabled.

I have a Custom theme (Wave, XMB Icons, Battery icon, Speaker volume, Game Boot and Font)

(i would reccomend to disable all plugins for the downgrade and a not modifyed theme if you have a custom theme)

tsekov 29.08.2007 00:38

You have a game in the PSP? So you too can't run ISO's without a UMD? All I was able to play was that stupid test.cso file with that japanees brakeout-like game :?

TrueLoonix 29.08.2007 03:39

I havew to admit i never tried before ^^
But just as you mentioned it...
i just now tested Dragoneers Aria and it works like a charm without a umd inserted.

Edit: Backups of Riviera, Alien Syndrome and Wipout Pure are also working

tsekov 29.08.2007 18:51

My Memory Stick is defective and corrupts files, that was my problem :D Funny it works like a charm in SE W810i or K750i . But when I throw some mp3's or iso's on it while in the PSP it shows 3Mb/s writing speed and from 90 mp3's only 18 worked and not even one iso worked! 10x USB2.0 :D On good old USB1.1 there's no problem but it's very very slow ;(

10x a lot for the help man!

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