Adding in Flash 2,3 access in the Recovery Mode
I would like to request the addition of the feature to be added in so you can access flash 2 and 3 in the recovery mode...under advanced section...
It's kinda like a pet peev...knowing that they are there and there are programs to access them...but why not add it in so we can access all flashx in the firmware... I can live without it but it would be nice to see.. Thanx for listening.. |
Yes, yes!!
I agree!! Is sux using this program to toggle flash2 and flash3, and I think It'd be COOL adding it on Recovery |
id also like to be able to mount UMD to pc from recovery and dump it straight to pc
agree, mount UMD to PC via USB = cool.
Applications like these exist already, and it is useless to waste space on Flash to add the features. (flash2/3 are not really useful to access for recovery) Recovery is what it is -----> recovery :)
I understand that we should save space and recovery is just for that...but hey if they can fit it in without taking up too much space why not add it....I just saw that Team Wildcard did this but hey...i'm not gonna complain if they don't...
It was just an thought..recommendation.. |
I think, someday becomes a non-overriding problem with space in flash0, and CFW become divided into flash0 part - part that needed to start CFW and another - plugin part - all other features of CFV that being plased and loaded from memory card.
[REQUEST] The M33 request thread
there seems to be more and more people requesting features so i thought it would be nice to have a request thread that way a new topic doesnt have to be started each time.
i guess ill start off with some minor requests i have. - choose recovery key config. instead of standard RTrigger the ability to choose any key like (LTRIGGER, UP, SELECT or WLAN UP) -in registry hacks, ability to enable and disable UMD update from showing -add more CPU/BUS speeds. 20MHz in vsh is way too slow. maybe 33MHz or 55MHz -autodetect kernel like in wildc*rd release. i like that i can have everything in game folder and have it all there oh and btw guys. dont request ridiculous things like wii emulator. :dwarf: (lol i just wanted to use this smiley) |
I like that Have The WLAN UP to get to recovery. No noob can mess that up!
Thank you for adding in this feature...I feel I inspired it some how?...
;) |
oops... i clicked something wrong. sorry i can't read russian.
anyways back to topic, i would like to have the fix for ratchet and clank infrastructure. as of now, only devhook running on normal CPU speed is able to use ratchet and clank infrastructure mode. i hope this would appear in the next update! more power to team m33! |
this is a bit of a stupid request as it can already be handled outside of the firmware; but I would really like to see the option to disable the gameboot (under Configuration in recovery) the same way we can chose to "Skip Sony logo."
access to the flashes in the VSH should be disabled. it's not noob safe.
Here's what I posted in another Update Thread thingy:
Is there any chance of putting the vsh menu to be accessed using the location free icon on the xmb?
it will be nice if we can use plugins to "power off"+"reboot"+"sleep mode"
and add another way to access the "Recovery mode" from XMB thanx team -- M33 TeAm-- "nothing impossible" |
Just a request, I think we should have a N00b and a 1337 (sorry for the stupid leet speak) modes:
Basically, in N00b mode all access to flash (especially from the XMB) should be hidden in leet mode, everything should be open, but the enabling of leet mode should be designed so that a noob can't simply turn it on. My reason for this is that I have several friends and family that have had my flash their PSP's one in particular my 12 year old cousin, he's young and naive and doesn't yet understand how easily he can kill his PSP if he does something he shouldn't (which he has a nack for doing things he shouldn't) Point is, if he did damage his PSP through the CFW i put on it I knw for sure I would be the one to get blame. Either way, i think this would be useful for a lot of people, even so that we can just hide away features we don't want n00bs playing with should they catch hold of our PSP. Thanks |
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