change recovery mode access
hi there, first of all i would like to say thanks in behalf of all filipino users... great job on the firmware guys! great job...
anyways, i would like to know if i can change the button configuration to access the recovery mode (rtigger). coz my psp is always on my cousins hand, and he knows about recovery mode... so i wonder if i can change it somehow to another button... Код:
Originally Posted by _main("JL") |
i would like to see this as an added feature of a later release. the ability to change the recovery button to up, dpwn, RTrigger, Ltrigger, WLAN up, etc... would allow poeple to further customize their psp's and it could stop unwanted people from accesing the recovery menu of your psp (eg. password plugin or a brother or cousin who dont know what theyre doing)
its still in rtc but the offsets are different. i would try but rtc launches the firmware and does some patching so if you mess around with it you will most likely brick without a recovery. i havnt taken a look at it but ti is most likely going to be compressed so it will need to be decompressed before you can find the offsets
do you say what I must to do when I have decrypted the prx? What method I can use to define the correct offset for recovery button access? Because there are various hex value 00 02,and I don't have an UP or DEV for restore my PSP in case of full brick. Thanks in advance. :good: |
up for this.. i wanna know if this is compressed or wha.t.. :)
you could create a pandora battery before you edit flash0, that way you can be sure ;)
Yes I say it,
some week ago whaen I write my post Pandora battery was only a dream in tha pspscene,the only way on a bricked psp was the chips. Now I can try all I want :yahoo: PSP Scene: I love it!!! |
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