first my condolences to your PSP for the Moment and best wishes for the Rescurrection
as said, my Battery worked fine after i restored the eeprom via Left + Right trigger so i did not take that serious ^^ May i ask what kind of hardcore theme you installed just to leep as far away as possible from it o.O ( i still distrust the Apple style XMB somehow) I used a tool named Upgrade RCO 351 b to convert my old theme to a 3.51M33 one wich works with 3.52M33-4 too ;) |
Voodooman, nand dump must be renamed from nand_dump.bin to nandimage.flash.
This such awkward, but you can got a new nand dump (for some other state of your psp, ant put nand_dump.bin to your computer) and after all - restore your nandimage.flash. (I make nand dump's of full-150, and official 3.52, and alsow my setted 3.52M33-4) And, while you restore battery "Left + Right trigger", you get a errror message, but if you run P'sBC again - you see your original battery ID there. Anyway, try to get 2nd battery, and put your old battery to service mode + have a work nand_dump at your magic memory stick. Another question: Some one haven't try restore else's nand dump? I try to restore nand dump TA79, on my TA82 - working dump of 3.52M33 caused brick (I forced to use my own nand dump to restore it). But, how about restore nand dump of same models of mother boards? |
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